patch-2.0.34 linux/drivers/scsi/u14-34f.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.0.33/linux/drivers/scsi/u14-34f.h linux/drivers/scsi/u14-34f.h
@@ -4,36 +4,56 @@
 #ifndef _U14_34F_H
 #define _U14_34F_H
+#include <linux/version.h>
 int u14_34f_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *);
 int u14_34f_release(struct Scsi_Host *);
 int u14_34f_queuecommand(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*done)(Scsi_Cmnd *));
 int u14_34f_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *);
-int u14_34f_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *, unsigned int);
+int u14_34f_old_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+int u14_34f_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+int u14_34f_old_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *, unsigned int);
 int u14_34f_biosparam(Disk *, kdev_t, int *);
-#define U14_34F_VERSION "3.11.00"
+#define U14_34F_VERSION "4.31.00"
+#define LinuxVersionCode(v, p, s) (((v)<<16)+((p)<<8)+(s))
+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= LinuxVersionCode(2,1,101)
+#define ULTRASTOR_14_34F {                                                   \
+                name:         "UltraStor 14F/34F rev. " U14_34F_VERSION " ", \
+                detect:                  u14_34f_detect,                     \
+                release:                 u14_34f_release,                    \
+                queuecommand:            u14_34f_queuecommand,               \
+                abort:                   u14_34f_old_abort,                  \
+                reset:                   u14_34f_old_reset,                  \
+                eh_abort_handler:        u14_34f_abort,                      \
+                eh_device_reset_handler: NULL,                               \
+                eh_bus_reset_handler:    NULL,                               \
+                eh_host_reset_handler:   u14_34f_reset,                      \
+                bios_param:              u14_34f_biosparam,                  \
+                this_id:                 7,                                  \
+                unchecked_isa_dma:       1,                                  \
+                use_clustering:          ENABLE_CLUSTERING,                  \
+                use_new_eh_code:         1    /* Enable new error code */    \
+                }
+#else /* Use old scsi code */
+#define ULTRASTOR_14_34F {                                                   \
+                name:         "UltraStor 14F/34F rev. " U14_34F_VERSION " ", \
+                detect:                  u14_34f_detect,                     \
+                release:                 u14_34f_release,                    \
+                queuecommand:            u14_34f_queuecommand,               \
+                abort:                   u14_34f_old_abort,                  \
+                reset:                   u14_34f_old_reset,                  \
+                bios_param:              u14_34f_biosparam,                  \
+                this_id:                 7,                                  \
+                unchecked_isa_dma:       1,                                  \
+                use_clustering:          ENABLE_CLUSTERING                   \
+                }
-#define ULTRASTOR_14_34F {                                            \
-		NULL, /* Ptr for modules */                           \
-		NULL, /* usage count for modules */		      \
-		NULL,		                                      \
-		NULL,		                                      \
-		"UltraStor 14F/34F rev. " U14_34F_VERSION " ",        \
-		u14_34f_detect,                                       \
-		u14_34f_release,                                      \
-		NULL,						      \
-		NULL,                                                 \
-		u14_34f_queuecommand,                                 \
-		u14_34f_abort,                                        \
-		u14_34f_reset,                                        \
-		NULL,                                                 \
-		u14_34f_biosparam,                                    \
-		0,   /* can_queue, reset by detect */                 \
-		7,   /* this_id, reset by detect */                   \
-		0,   /* sg_tablesize, reset by detect */              \
-		0,   /* cmd_per_lun, reset by detect */               \
-		0,   /* number of boards present */                   \
-		1,   /* unchecked isa dma, reset by detect */         \
-		ENABLE_CLUSTERING                                     \
-		}

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,