Summary: Frequently Asked Questions.
 Archive-name: perl-faq/ptk-faq
 Posting-Frequency: monthly
 Last-modified: Date: Sat May 31 16:48:37 1997
 Version: 1.00_07
 URL (Hypertext-split):
 URL (Plaintext):
 Perl/Tk FAQ
 The Perl/Tk extension to the Perl programming language is copyrighted by its
 author Nick Ing-Simmons <> whose Tk400.202/COPYING
 file reads as follows: 
 Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
 This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, with the exception
 of the files in the pTk sub-directory which have separate terms
 derived from those of the orignal Tk4.0 sources and/or Tix.
 See pTk/license.terms for details of this Tk license, 
 and pTk/Tix.license for the Tix license.
 This compilation of Frequently Asked Questions & answers (FAQ) is
 intended to answer several of the first (and largely more basic) questions
 posted to the newsgroup and the ptk mailing list. 
 This document concerns itself with the Perl/Tk programming language (or, if
 you prefer, the Tk extension to Perl). Please be aware that this is not the Perl
 FAQ, this is not the Tcl FAQ, nor is this the Tcl/Tk FAQ. Each of those
 other documents is a useful source of information for Perl/Tk programmers
 but they are completely different from this one. 
 This is a dynamic document and contributions, clarifications, and corrections
 are most welcome! Please send e-mail to <> or to 
 <>. With your help this document will get better (-:
 perl/Tk FAQ
  1. What is perl/Tk? 
  2. What is the difference between perl/Tk and Tkperl? 
  3. Do I need Tcl/Tk in order to build Perl/Tk? 
  4. Where is it? 
  5. What/Where is CPAN? 
  6. How do I build it? 
  7. Where is the Documentation? 
  8. How do I write scripts in perl/Tk? 
  9. What widget types are available under perl/Tk? 
  10. How do I get widget X to do Y ? 
     1. How do I get a Button to call a Perl subroutine? 
     2. How do I get a Button to actively change under my mouse
     3. How do I arrange the layout of my widgets? 
     4. How do I get a Popup to popup? 
     5. How do I bind keyboard keys? 
     6. How do I add bindings? 
     7. How do I bind the action of a slider (sic) to ... ? 
     8. How do I configure a Scrollbar to scroll multiple widgets? 
     9. How do I display a bitmap? 
     10. How do I display an image? 
     11. What Image types are available? 
     12. Is there any way to have more than one Listbox contain a
     13. How do I select a range of tags in a Text widget? 
     14. How do I group Radiobuttons together? 
     15. How do I specify fonts? 
     16. How do I get the entry in an Entry? 
     17. How do I hide a password Entry? 
     18. How do I limit an Entry's insertion width? 
     19. How do I obtain Menus that do not tear off? 
  11. How do I get a Canvas to ... ? 
     1. Display a bitmap? 
     2. Erase a display? 
     3. Display an Image? 
     4. What things can be created on a Canvas? 
     5. How do I redraw a line on a Canvas? 
     6. How do I use the Canvas as a geometry manager? 
     7. How do I get a Canvas to output PostScript(c)? 
     8. How do I get a PostScript(c) output of a Canvas w/ widgets? 
     9. How do I get the size of a Canvas? After a re-size? 
     10. How do I bind different actions to different areas of the same 
  12. Common Problems. 
     1. What do the ->, => and :: symbols mean? 
     2. What happened to the ampersands &? 
     3. What happened to the quotation marks? 
     4. Must I use "my" on all my variables? 
     5. Is there a way to find out what is in my perl/Tk "PATH"? 
     6. What is the difference between use and require? 
     7. How do I change the cursor/color? 
     8. How do I ring the bell? 
     9. How do I determine the version of perl/Tk that I am running? 
     10. How do I call perl from C? 
     11. How do I call Tcl code from perl/Tk? 
  13. What are some of the primary differences between Tcl/Tk and
  14. How do I install new scripts | modules | extensions? 
  15. How do I write new modules? 
  16. Composite Widgets. 
     1. How do I get a Dialog box? 
     2. Is there a file selector? 
     3. Is there a color editor? 
     4. Is there a round Scale? 
     5. Is there something equivalent to tkerror? 
     6. Are there Tables? 
  17. Programming/development tools. 
     1. Is there a Tcl/Tk to perl/Tk translator? 
     2. Is there something equivalent to wish in perl/Tk? 
     3. Is there a debugger specifically for perl/Tk? 
     4. Is there a GUI builder in perl/Tk? 
  18. Processes & Inter-Process Communication under Perl/Tk. 
     1. How does one get Perl/Tk to act on events that are not coming
       from X? 
     2. Is there a send and do I need xauth? 
     3. How can I do animations using after? 
     4. How do I update widgets while waiting for other processes to
     5. How do you fork on System V (HP)? 
  19. How do I "clear the screen"? 
  20. Is there a way to have an X application draw inside a perl/Tk window? 
  21. Is there a version for Microsoft Windows(tm)? 
  22. Are there any international font packages for perl/Tk? 
  23. Are there any other ways to create event based interfaces from perl? 
  24. Where can I get more information on graphics (modules|scripts)? 
  25. Are there any major applications written in perl/Tk? 
  26. What is the history of pTk and perl/Tk? 
  27. What can we expect the future to hold? 
  28. How do I obtain the latest version of this FAQ? 
  29. Acknowledgements & maintainer. 
 1. What is perl/Tk? 
 Perl/Tk (also known as pTk or ptk) is a collection of modules and code that
 attempts to wed the easily configured Tk 4 widget toolkit to the powerful
 lexigraphic, dynamic memory, I/O, and object-oriented capabilities of Perl 5.
 In other words, it is an interpreted scripting language for making widgets and
 programs with Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). (Examples of widget
 programs [not necessarily written in perl/Tk] include xterm, xclock, most
 web-browsers, etc.. They are programs with "GUI" interfaces of one sort or
 another and are subject to the effects of your window manager.) 
 The current release of Perl/Tk is based on "Tk 4.0p3" the widget Toolkit
 originally associated with the Tcl (Tool command language) scripting
 language. However, Perl/Tk does not require any of the lexical
 features/idiosynchrocies of Tcl. Perl/Tk uses perl 5 syntax, grammar, and data
 The ``Tk400.202'' package is the production release of perl/Tk (corresponding
 to Tcl/Tk-4.0p3) and was written primarily by Nick Ing-Simmons 
 <> at Texas Instruments in Northampton,
 England, to work with the latest version of Larry Wall's ``perl''. Nick
 Ing-Simmons is currently busy converting the Tcl/Tk-4.1 code to perl
 callable code as well. An initial alpha release of the effort is available from
 CPAN as ``Tk402.000''. 
 The pTk code proper is an externally callable Tk toolkit (i.e. a re-write of the
 Tk 4.0 code that allows easier external linking & calling, especially by perl).
 Ptk can then be called from Perl 5 via the et al perl glue modules.
 Hence "ptk" does not necessarily refer to Perl Tk but could be taken to mean 
 portable Tk - given a glue package to another language. The stated goal of the
 pTk code is to have its library usable from perl, Tcl, LISP, C++, python, etc.. It
 just so happens that present work is concentrating on perl. 
 Historical note: "ptk" was known as "ntk" before about 11:30 EST 4 May 1995.
 The perl/Tk language is itself further extensible via the standard perl 5 module
 mechanism. A number of composite widget and special character extensions
 to the language have been written using perl modules. 
 2. What is the difference between perl/Tk and Tkperl? 
 TkPerl was originally the name of a (now unsupported) perl 4 package that
 Malcolm Beattie <> at Oxford University gave to his
 code to wed the Tk X toolkit with Perl. (He has since referred to that package
 as a different "kettle of fish" from perl/Tk.) 
 Since that beginning Malcolm has also come up with a Tcl module for perl 5
 that has a Tcl::Tk module extension. That module allows the use of Tcl within
 a Perl script (i.e. you must know both languages to get your widgets to work.) If
 you are interested in that package instead, see the necessary kits for Malcolm
 Beattie's Tcl/Tk extensions to Perl, which have been distrubuted as 
 Tcl-b#.tar.gz and TclTk-b#.tar.gz files in the authors/id/MICB/
 directory at CPAN sites (locations given in a separate question in this FAQ). 
 The name "tkperl" is sometimes applied to the "perl/Tk" or "ptk" package that
 is the subject of this FAQ. Nick Ing-Simmons prefers "perl/Tk" as the name
 of the package, with "pTk" or "ptk" as contractions of that name as well as
 referring to something technically distinct: given the extensibility of the pTk
 code the "p" could also be taken to mean 'portable' or 'pure' (not to be
 confused with either the Helsinki University of Technology portTk, nor with
 Brian Warkentine's Rivet). In this document the code of interest is either
 referred to as "perl/Tk", "pTk", or "ptk" though the primary focus is on
 Warning: do not attempt to install both perl/Tk and Tcl/Tkperl in the same
 perl installation. The names in the respective modules overlap. In particular
 the Tcl::Tk module is declared in a file - so a statement like: 
     use Tk;
 will probably confuse your perl. If you cannot live without either module then
 install make & maintain separate perls for each and arrange your script
 writing accordingly (this will not be easy). 
 A more extensive comparison of the differences between the Tkperl and the
 perl/Tk code is given in the Tcl-perl.pod file that is distributed with
 perl/Tk (see the following questions for locations). 
 Lastly, it should be mentioned that if you build your perl/Tk statically rather
 than dynamically it will make a new perl interpreter called tkperl (confusing
 isn't it? :-). 
 3. Do I need Tcl/Tk in order to build Perl/Tk? 
 Short answer: No not at all. Perl/Tk is completely independent of Tcl/Tk. 
 Longer answer: In order to build Perl/Tk from source code you do need a
 recent version of perl, the perl/Tk source code kit, a graphical user interface
 library such as Xlib, a C or C++ compiler, and a make utility. In some rare
 cases Perl/Tk binaries are distributed for some platforms but that is more the
 exception than a general rule (see below). 
 If you will be attempting to port Perl/Tk to your platfrom then you might want
 to consult the document at:
 where each of these necessities is discussed in a bit more detail. 
 4. Where is it? 
 Source code
 Tk400.202 & Tk402.00 the latest production and alpha releases are available
 from the modules/by-authors/Nick_Ing-Simmons/"> directory on the
 CPAN. You will need a made and installed perl (Perl 5.004 being an excellent
 choice), a recent MakeMaker and the Tk4* kit. To obtain all of these (as well
 as several other modules that sophisticated Tk programs now rely on) visit a 
 CPAN ftp site. CPAN (the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) and what
 you need to get from it, is discussed in more detail in the next question. 
 (The rest of this question remains for historical reasons, as well as to point out
 some non CPAN resources.) 
 Tk-b8: The Tk-b8 kit remains on CPAN since it was compatible with the
 widely distributed and installed Perl (5.001m) 
 A pre-compiled binary distribution of Perl5.001m with Tk-b8 for Linux is
 available from: 
 Australia (please be patient and only try during off hours)
 It unpacks into /usr/local. You need to have ELF running and to have the
 ELF X11 libraries (please be patient and only try during off hours). 
 Binaries for the old Perl 5 & Tk-b6 are available for a number of UNIX
 platforms courtesy of Thomas Schlagel and Alan Stange of Brookhaven Lab
 Thomas and Alan have recently (winter 1995-1996) announced that they will
 update the Tk module version number of the many binaries they distribute. 
 Physical media (mostly source code)
 With traffic jams on today's information superhighway more and more
 common it is often convenient to be able to snail mail a CD rather than suffer
 with .tar.gz files that are corrupted by network spottiness. Here is a very
 brief list of some folks who distribute perl (and hopefully Tk too!) on physical
 media. This list is not intended to be complete, nor an endorsement of any
 vendor (I personally do not have the time to check out any of these but have
 seen that some tend to be out of date by a few months with respect to CPAN
 so please be careful). See the hypertext version of this document for
 hyperlinks to the following vendors: 
 Walnut Creek Perl CD
    This CD specifies a release date. $39.95
 Cosmos Engineering Company
    Offers Linux plus perl for sale on a 1 Gigabyte IDE hard drive for
    PC-like computers. $279.00 (Fall 1996)
 Unix Review System Administration
    A CD that contains "Perl 5.0" (and much other stuff including Tcl/Tk
    and Expect) for $49.95. Telephone: (800) 444-4881. 
 InfoMagic Mother of Perl
    This 2 CD set contains perl 5.001 and sells for $35.00
 Ready to Run 
    Perl (unknown version) available for sale for many types of Unix and
    other operating systems.
 5. What/Where is CPAN? 
 "CPAN" = Comprehensive Perl Archive Network a worldwide collection of
 anonymous ftp sites for Perl et al (not to be confused with CTAN which is for
 TeX, nor CSPAN which rarely deals with computer software). The files of
 particular interest to a perl/Tk programmer would include: 
  o The latest Tk release should be in the 
    modules/by-authors/Nick_Ing-Simmons/ directory at any
    CPAN ftp site (listed below). 
  o The latest official Perl release should be in the src/ directory in a file
    called latest.tar.gz at any CPAN ftp site (listed below). 
  o If you need something older or newer than the "latest supported
    release" try the src/5.0/ directory at any CPAN ftp site (listed
 There are a number of modules available for use with Tk. Among them: 
  o Alan Scheinine's is in the 
    modules/by-authors/Alan_Scheinine/ directory at any CPAN
    ftp site (listed below). 
  o Guy Decoux's BLT_Table geometry manager is in the 
    modules/by-authors/id/GUYDX/ directory at any CPAN ftp site
    (listed below). 
  o Ilya Zakharevich's eText plug in replacement for the Text widget is in
    the modules/by-authors/id/ILYAZ/etext/ directory at any
    CPAN ftp site (listed below). 
  o Brent B. Powers' Tk-FileDialog and Tk-WaitBox are available from
    the modules/by-authors/id/BPOWERS/ directory at any CPAN
    ftp site (listed below). 
 Some of the fancier perl/Tk scripts (news readers and web browsers e.g.) make
 use of other perl modules/module-bundles. Among those that you ought to
 consider installing are: 
  o To run the ptknews script you will need Mail/ from
    the Mailtools module kit, available from the 
    modules/by-authors/id/GBARR/ directory at any CPAN ftp/http
    site (listed below). While there pick up the latest libnet-* module
    bundle too. 
  o The build of recent versions of perl/Tk requests that you have the 
    URI::URL and HTML::Parse modules already installed. These
    modules are part of the libwww-perl-*.tar.gz kit, available from
    the modules/by-authors/id/GAAS/ at any CPAN ftp/http site
    (listed below). 
 Documentation is available from CPAN: 
  o Assorted documentation for perl is in the doc/ directory at any
    CPAN ftp site (listed below). 
  o Fairly up-to-date versions of some Perl/Tk external documentation
    (such as this FAQ) is in the modules/by-authors/id/PVHP/
    directory at any CPAN ftp/http site (listed below).
    (for Perl/Tk official documentation check the Tk/doc/*.htm files that
    are built with Nick's Tk kit on your computer.) 
 Bringing it all together one can look at: 
  o Most things perl/Tk (with certain exceptions) are also linked to a 
    modules/by-module/Tk/ directory at any CPAN ftp/http site
    (listed below). 
  o The long version of Tim Bunce and Andreas Koenig's module list
    helps you sort out things like "which kit is HTML::Parse a part of?". It
    is in modules/00modlist.long.html and is also posted
    periodically to newsgroups. 
 Here are the 52 CPAN sites/directories (with dotted quads [IP numbers] given
 on the right for those without name-servers): 
 Updated: Sun Dec 8 17:12:55 EST 1996 
   South Africa 
   Hong Kong               
   South Korea               
   New Zealand    
   Czech Republic
   the Netherlands                   
 North America
   New York         
   North Carolina              
 South America
 For those equipped with multi-protocol browsers you might pay a visit to Tom
 Christiansen's CPAN multiplexer whose relevant Tk URLs are (the second
 one is not active since it violates the HTML-2.0 spec according to nsgmls):
 According to Stephen P. Potter some of the CPAN sites have decompression
 on the fly for people who do not have programs like gunzip. For example, at
 the ufl site (Florida USA) type this into your ftp session to download a
 gunzipped version of Tk: 
     ftp> get Tk400.202.tar.gz Tk400.202.tar
 If you have the appropriate CPAN and FTP modules (yes there is a CPAN
 module for retreiving CPAN modules and its name is CPAN oddly enough)
 already installed you can retrieve a module from CPAN and carry out a
 complete installation with a perl one-liner like this: 
     perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Tk"'
 For more information on CPAN you can send e-mail to the CPAN
 administrators, <>. If you know of some Perl resources
 that seem not to be in the CPAN (you did check the contents listings in 
 indices/, didn't you?) please tell the CPAN administrators. If you have
 some modules/scripts/documentation yourself that you would like to
 contribute to CPAN, please read the file authors/00upload.howto and let
 the CPAN administrators know about it. 
 6. How do I build it? 
 In general, building perl/Tk requires: 
  1. A made & installed perl (requires a C language compiler). You may
    need different versions of perl depending on which version of Tk you
    wish to run. 
  2. A C language compiler for the Tk code itself. 
  3. A linkable Xlib (.o, .so, .a, etc.) for X-windows. 
 Perl/Tk has been successfully built using various vendors' cc compilers, as
 well as with the free GNU gcc compiler. A make utility of some sort (make/
 gmake) will be extremely helpful. 
 Step - by - step the commands to build the Tk extension to Perl are (for the
 dynamically linked version) roughly as follows: 
  1. make install # the appropriate version of perl. 
  2. uninstall # prior versions of the Tk extension to perl. 
  3. gunzip -c Tk400.202.tar.gz | tar xvf - (options to tar
    may vary esp. on SysV) 
  4. cd Tk400.200 
  5. read INSTALL 
  6. perl Makefile.PL 
  7. make 
  8. make test 
  9. make install 
 For the statically linked version you would `make tkperl` just after
 executing the `make` step and before the `make test` step. 
 Note carefully that this process leaves behind a large amount of
 documentation and examples in various sub-directories. You are strongly
 encouraged to look carefully through your build tree for docs, examples, etc.
 and keep those valuable files in a safe place. You might consider tar-ing them
 off and installing in a webserver directory tree. 
 A relatively easy way to determine if the perl on your system allows for
 dynamic linking was mentioned by Kenneth Albanowski
 <>. If the following does not say "dl_none.xs" then you
 probably do have dynamically linked perl (or perhaps a very non-Unixy perl): 
     perl -e 'use Config; print $Config{dlsrc},"\n"'
 (thanks to Paul Lussier <> for the correction!). 
 Here is a little more detailed discussion of each the steps just given: 
  o Install Perl Read the Tk files (Tk*/README, etc.) for info on which
    version of perl is required for the perl/Tk kit you obtained.) For code
    locations see a CPAN site (separate question in this FAQ), the actual
    installation instructions come bundled in the perl***.tar.gz
    distribution file. (Perl Configure & make troubles are beyond the
    scope of this FAQ - please see the Perl FAQ itself or the INSTALL file
    for more help with this critical step.)
    You can install perl almost anywhere you like by specifying the 
    -Dprefix=/path argument to sh Configure 
  o Unpack perl/Tk outside the Perl distribution
    (i.e. outside the perl build, perl install, or perl lib areas).
    gunzip Tk400.202.tar.gz
    tar -xvf Tk400.202.tar
    (Your tar program may not take -xvf. The resultant Tk400.202/
    area will be referred to as your ``Tk build'' directory throughout this
  o Read INSTALL carefully
    cd Tk400.202
    pager INSTALL
    where pager is the program you use to scroll through text files more
    or less. Be sure to read it and don't just pound away on the spacebar. 
  o If necessary remove any previously installed version of perl/Tk
    If you had a previously working version of Tk installed, you may need
    to resurrect the Makefile for it and execute:
    make uninstall
    make realclean
    before you unpack the new version. (The uninstall target of
    MakeMaker is relatively new so please be careful here.)
  o Have perl generate a custom Makefile.
    perl Makefile.PL
    (see below for more on this step.)
  o Compile.
    (if and only if building static: make tkperl
  o Test.
    make test
  o Install.
    make install 
  o Play with it.
    (modify #! line if necessary, or specify /path/to/perl
    (warning if you build Tk-b9.01 with perl5.002gamma then change the
    line in basic_demo from
    use lib ./blib;
    use lib qw(blib/arch blib/lib);) 
  o Save the documentation and examples in a safe accessible place.
    use tar, cp, mv, chmod or whatever you prefer to save the valuable
    ancillary files from your Tk build tree.
 On the perl Makefile.PL step it may be necessary to give explicit
 locations of the required X11 libraries and/or include headers. For example: 
     perl Makefile.PL X11=/usr/local/X11R5
 or perhaps different directory tree specification is necessary with your X
     perl Makefile.PL X11INC=/usr/local/share/X11R5/include \
 There are system and site dependencies in all of the above steps. However, the
 largest single source of build trouble comes from not using the latest versions
 of the various utilities (C compiler, make, etc.). In particular ensure that
 when you say perl Makefile.PL that the perl that gets invoked is up to
 date - use which perl (or whence perl) and perl -v to determine this.
 If necessary specify the full path name to your perl5 interpreter/compiler.
 (Some people do not rm their older perl interpreters when upgrading to a more
 recent version - beware.) 
 If you still run into trouble take a look at the INSTALL, the README and the 
 README file for your specific system (e.g. README.AIX, README.OSF, etc.).
 You might also find your system mentioned in the ptk hyper-mail archive at:
 or the Perl 5 Porters page at one of the following URLs:
 If you wish to discuss your Tk build problems with others run and save the
 output from the myConfig script in the Tk build directory (the output may
 already be in the myConfig.out file from your perl/Tk build directory), as
 well as the myconfig script in your perl build directory (or the output of perl
 -V with a capitol V). It is often helpful to include the output of either (or both)
 of these scripts in your discussion. 
 Presented here are the beginnings of a list of problems associated with
 building perl/Tk on various platforms (for help building perl itself please refer
 to the Perl FAQ). This list is in no way complete nor authoritative (nor is it
 necessarily even up-to-date!) but simply lists problems people have reported.
 Keep in mind that your installation may differ (e.g. location differences such
 as /usr/bin/perl vs. /usr/local/bin/perl) even if its the same
 platform listed here: 
 A Sampling of Perl/Tk Platforms:
    As of perl5.002b & Tk-b9.01 README.AIX says no patching is
    For Tk-b8: modifying the perl.exp file may be necessary. There is a
    patch in Tk-b8/README.AIX. It may be necessary to make
    regen_headers after the patch. 
    Nate Patwardhan <> reports no trouble at all with
    Tk400.200 on FreeBSD-2.1.5 or FreeBSD-2.2.1. 
    For Tk-b11: One person reports a need to add #define
    TIMEOFDAY_TZ to the tkConfig.h header file in order to compile on
    HPUX 9.05. 
    Previous versions: Most people seem to prefer the dynamic linking
    afforded by a recent version of the gcc compiler on this system. 
    John C. Wingenbach indicates that should you encounter an error
    message like Cannot find -lX11 anywhere at ./myConfig
    line 184 when running your perl Makefile.PL (under Slakware
    3.0) that you should be more specific about -l/path/to/libX11.a.
    Adam Wasserman <> has graciously
    provided a compilation of Linux compilation trials & tribulations. It is
    an (as yet un-edited) document available at:
    Mark Pease <> mentions that:
    I was able to get Tk-b11.02 running under MachTen 2.2 perl5.002_01.
    I did need to make one change to get a round a MachTen problem. In
    pTk/tclUnix.h, pwd.h is included, but it is also included in pTk/tkPort.h
    (which is included in Lang.h, which is use by tclUnixUtil.c, whew!) 
    MachTen's pwd.h can't be included more that once or you get an
    It looked to me like tclUnix.h was only used in tclUnixUtil.c, so I
    commented out the #include <pwd.h> in tclUnix.h. 
    Jesus M. Gonzalez <> mentions success with:
    Tk-b11.01 compiles, installs and runs just out of the box in
    NetBSD-1.1/i386. I just followed the INSTALL instructions. 
    Gerd Knops recently posted a discussion of the steps to get perl
    running on several NeXTSTEPs to p5p.
    Ilya Zakharevich <> has compiled a
    modified form of Tk-b11.02 to work with the Xfree86 client/server
    package, as well more advanced versions working with the Open32 PM
    As of perl5.002b & Tk-b9.01 you will probably be able to follow the
    usual instructions. John Stoffel <> reports that if you
    use gcc (rather than cc) you should use at least version 2.7.2 
    For Tk-b8: make is reputedly not up to the task on this system. 
    Tk-b8/README.OSF recommends gmake instead.
    Stephane Bortzmeyer <> reports a successful
    build with Perl 5.001m, xsubpp 1.922, MakeMaker 4.23. He points
    out that it was necessary for him to upgrade the xsubpp and
    MakeMaker that he received with his copy of Perl5.001m. 
    For Tk-b8: Eric J. Bohm <bohm@cs.Buffalo.EDU> reported a need to
    comment out line(s) from myConfig and GNUMakefiles using GNU
    make 3.67. (See Tk-b8/README.SCO for specifics.) 
 SGI (Irix):
    For Tk-b11.02: Phillip Moore <> reports a clean
    build on IRIX 5.3. 
    Matthew Black <> recently mentioned a need to apply
    "patchSG0000596" to get perl sockets to work. His message was
    copyrighted and is not included here. Send e-mail to him to find out
    where the get "patchSG0000596". 
    SunOS (BSD):
    For Tk-b10 on SunOS 4.1.3_U1
    using SparcWorks acc 3.0.1 Frederick L. Wagner <>
    reports needing to use the perl malloc rather than the system malloc()
    when building perl.
    For Tk-b8: Tom Tignor <tpt2@BBN.COM> reports the following on
    SunOS (sun4m sparc): Tue, 28 Nov 1995 13:19:42
    In trying to make, I got a "write: argument mismatch" error for the file
    ptK/Lang.h. I looked at the file and found the offending function,
    Tcl_GetOpenFile, which has a third argument called "doWrite" (not
    "write") in tkGlue.c. I changed the argument from "write" to "doWrite"
    in Lang.h and it's compiling fine (for the moment. :) 
    Solaris (System V):
    For Tk-b8: There is trouble getting perl to use Socket routines (i.e.
    trouble with make perl itself not necessarily trouble with Tk-b8). See
    the perl FAQ for more info or the .shar file that Tom Christiansen
    occasionally posts to comp.lang.perl.misc. Further information on perl 
    inter process communication can be found in the perlipc* files at: 
    For Tk-b8: Martha G. Armour and Len Reed report on two separate
    hardware platforms running SVR4 - extensive details in 
    Tk-b8/README.SVR4. Interestingly, they report no trouble at all on
    Peter Prymmer reports that with Tk-b11 it was necessary to change
    the line in Makefile.PL that reads:
    'LIBS' => ["$xlib -lX11 -lpt -lsocket -lnsl -lm"],
    to read:
    'LIBS' => ["$xlib -lX11 -lpt -lsocket -lnsl -lm
    because of a newer X11 in /usr/local that needed the DECnet protocol
    John Stoffel reports a successful build of static Tk-b10 on Ultrix 4.5. 
 Windows NT:
    Nick Ing-Simmons reports success with the alpha Tk404.000 kit,
    perl5.004, and Visual C++. 
 Information on non-Unix(ish) perl platforms may be obtained from
 newsgroups and email lists as well as a few world wide web sites. For example,
 try the Perl 5 Porters (p5p) [page|archives] at one of:
 In general your non-Unix platform must be able to support perl 5 and Xlib (a
 C compiler and a make utility are tremendously useful too). If you want to run
 perl/Tk on another computer and simply have the display show up on yours
 then all you need on your computer is an "X server" The long list of UNIX and
 non-unix perl 5 ports, Tcl/Tk ports, and Perl/Tk ports that used to appear in
 this FAQ has now moved to a separate web page at:
 7. Where is the Documentation? 
 A great deal of Perl/Tk documentation gets installed as part of the Tk
 extension building process. Hence, a great deal of documentation is probably
 residing on your computer already. 
 More documentation is "in the works": there are several books dealing with
 perl/Tk in progress, an ongoing magazine column and a growing FAQ (the
 document you are presently reading). 
 The additional material you may want to look at can be split into Perl/Tk, Perl,
 Tcl/Tk, and X documentation categories: 
 Perl/Tk Specific Documentation
 The man pages
 With up to date Tk build kits the various perl/Tk pod documents are converted
 to your systems' helpfile format and installed as part of the perl/Tk "make
 install" process. If you have a recent verion of perl/Tk try something like 
 man 3 Tk::Tk if this does not work check with you system administrator for
 the proper MANPATH. 
 In your Tk build directory there should be a doc/ sub-directory in which
 there are a number of .htm files (after you make install). These files were
 originally Tcl/Tk man pages (from the man* sub-directories), but the *.htm
 files have been converted to Perl syntax and rendered in HTML format. You
 can use the Perl/Tk web browser to view them locally with a command like: 
     tkweb index.html
 or you may view them on the web itself by installing them in a web-server
 directory tree, or by pointing a browser at:
 The newsgroup
 The newsgroup name is and this FAQ will be periodically
 posted to that group (as well as a few other newsgroups). The newsgroup
 and/or the ptk mailing list are the appropriate places to post questions - yes
 even simple ones! (Although answers may sometimes be long in coming ... :-( 
 The nTk/pTk mailing list
 The mailing list is an excellent supplement and complement to the newsgroup All messages mailed to the list are forwarded to the
 newsgroup. (But not all messages posted to the newsgroup are forwarded to
 the list.) Some Perl/Tk experts only have access to e-mail. 
 The nTk/pTk Mailing List Archive is a very useful source of information too,
 and is accesible at either
 or via ftp at
 (both in the USA). You may search the contents of another ptk mailing list
 hypertext archive thanks to a cgi-bin script written by Achim Bohnet in
 Germany at:
 You must subscribe to the mailing list to receive e-mail from the list. To
 subscribe to the mailing list you can send mail to (i.e. <>) with
 the following command in the body of your e-mail message: 
     subscribe ptk joe.user@somewhere (Joe D. User)
 To send a message to all recipients of the mailing list send e-mail to 
 To remove yourself from the mailing list send e-mail to (i.e. <>) with
 the following command in the body of your e-mail message: 
     unsubscribe ptk joe.user@somewhere (Joe D. User)
 Where instead of "joe.user@somewhere" you might very well like to
 substitute another string of characters. 
 (Please note: one does not send unsubscribe messages to the ptk list. One does
 send "unsubscribe ptk" messages to a special e-mail list administration
 program. In the case of the ptk list you send to
 You must of course do this from the account and computer from which you
 initially subscribed. In particular if you are viewing the hypertext version of
 this FAQ you may not be able to unsubscribe from by following the mailto: hyperlinks - if your
 web-browser account/computer is different from your subscribe to
 e-mail-lists account/computer (the details of this might depend on which
 browser you use though). Thank you for your cooperation on this.) 
 The demo programs
 Examine (and try running) the code in your Tk#/ build directory tree. You
 might also be interested in test-running the code that gets installed: 
  o or perl5/site_perl/Tk/demos/ or 
    perl5/site_perl/Tk/demos/widget_lib/ directories (recent
  o Tk#/ or perl5/Tk/demos/ or perl5/Tk/demos/widget_lib/
    directories (older versions e.g. Tk-b8). 
 In order to determine where on your system the perl5/ directory is located
 type the following one-line perl command (at your shell prompt - this is not a
 line from a perl script): 
     perl -e 'print join("\n",@INC,"");'
 If that command does not turn up a perl5/ directory then make sure that you
 are running perl 5 with the following: perl -v (this too can simply be
 entered at the shell prompt). 
 More on the pod & man documentation
 [As previously mentioned a great number of Tcl/Tk man pages are converted
 from *roff format to html format and are to be found within your Tk build
 directory tree in the doc/ sub-directory. These documents form an
 authoritative and extensive reference set for Perl/Tk.] 
 The raw pod files that come with the Tk kit are examples of the perl "plain old
 documentation" format and are just about human readable as they are (e.g. you
 may more, cat, or less them; or send them to a printer). Many (not all) of
 the perl/Tk pod documents get are converted to *roff format and are installed
 in you perl man page area as part of the perl/Tk build process. 
 If you have a recent version of perl/Tk try something like man 3 Tk::Tk. If
 this does not work check your manual page path with 
     perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{man1dir},"\n",$Config{man3dir},"\n"'
 And if you still cannot find the manual pages check with your system
 administrator for the proper MANPATH and/or Tk installation version. 
 "Raw" .pod (such as UserGuide.pod) can be viewed with the tkpod
 hypertext pod viewer. Raw .pod may also be run through any one or more of a
 large numbers of re-formatting perl filters. Such programs include pod2man, 
 pod2text, pod2html, pod2latex, etc. (these get installed when you install 
 perl). Other translators pod2texinfo, pod2fm, pod2pdf, etc., also exist.
 Check a CPAN site for these scripts if you do not already have them. 
 A command line like the following (but subject to local variations) should
 work for you: 
     tkpod site_perl/Tk/UserGuide.pod
 or if you like Unix manual page style: 
     pod2man perl5/Tk/UserGuide.pod | nroff -man | more
 (note that I am showing examples with almost full file path names - the
 alternative would be to cd into the appropriate directory then type: 
     pod2man UserGuide.pod | nroff -man | more
 There should even be a perl script to run that above command for you. It is
 executed as: 
     perldoc UserGuide
 Note that if there is pod like documentation in a perl module you may also
 execute tkpod (or perldoc) on it as in: 
 (please note that unfortunately, not all .pm mod files have pod embedded.) 
 If you have misplaced your tkpod program but still want that GUI look and
 feel (like xman) make the appropriate changes to the following script: 
     use Tk;
     use Tk::Pod;
     my $m = new MainWindow;
     $m -> Pod(-file => '');
     # or use command line path/filename:
     # $m -> Pod(-file => $ARGV[0]);
 A miscellany of internet perl/Tk resources includes:
 World Wide Web - perl/Tk man pages
 The Perl/Tk Newsgroup
 Perl Newsgroups
 Tcl Newsgroups
 Miscellaneous Newsgroups
 Perl/Tk FAQ-Archives (ftp sites) [Note: FAQ may be many separate files]
  (see also CPAN sites)                   
 WWW-FAQ for perl/Tk
 World Wide Web - perl/Tk info sites (Perl Tk Compound Widget Page) (FAQ image supplement)
 The Mailing list 
 Perl Specific Documentation
 There are a growing number Perl books available. A more complete
 Perl-bibliographic discussion than that given here is available in the Perl
 FAQ or at:
 For Perl 5 there is (as of September 1996) a "New Camel" by Larry Wall, Tom
 Christiansen, and Randal L. Schwartz, with Stephen Potter. 
  Programming Perl 2nd Edition
  Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, & Randal L. Schwartz with Stephen
  (c) 1996 O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
  ISBN 1-56592-149-6 (English)
 A second edition of the Llama is due out soon too: 
  Learning Perl, 2ndEdition
  Randal L. Schwartz
  June 1997 (est.) O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
  ISBN 1-56592-284-0 (English)
 The two early Perl books by Schwartz and Wall are very helpful (even if they
 do pertain to perl 4 and not 5. Beware that perl/Tk makes extensive use of perl
 5 object-oriented features.): 
  Learning Perl (The Llama)
  Randal L. Schwartz
  Copyright (c) 1993 O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
  ISBN 1-56592-042-2 (English)
  ISBN 2-84177-005-2 (French)
  ISBN 3-930673-08-8 (German)
  ISBN 4-89502-678-1 (Japanese)
  Programming Perl (The Camel)
  Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz
  Copyright (c) 1991 O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
  ISBN 0-937175-64-1 (English)
  ISBN 3-446-17257-2 (German) (Programmieren in Perl, translator:
  Hanser Verlag)
  ISBN 4-89052-384-7 (Japanese)
 There is also some Perl5 (book material) information at:
 Jon Orwant (the organizer of the newgroup) has a book on
 Perl 5 that has a chapter that discusses the Tk extension. (Please note that it is
 mostly about Perl 5, there is a some discussion of four simple Perl/Tk
 programs, but it is not a book wholly devoted to Perl/Tk.) It is nevertheless a
 good introduction to object-oriented Perl 5 programming. The relevant info: 
  Perl 5 Interactive Course
  Jon Orwant
  (c) 1996 The Waite Group Press
  A Division of SAMS Publishing, Corte Madera, CA USA
  ISBN: 1-57169-064-6
 The Perl 5 Quick Reference Guide (may require LaTeX for installation) can
 be obtained from any CPAN ftp site. Detailed location information is also
 available at the author's website:
 The quick reference guide has also been turned into a small Nutshell
  Perl 5 Desktop Reference
  Johan Vromans
  Copyright (c) February 1996 O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
  ISBN: 1-56592-187-9; Order number: 1879
 Eric F. Johnson has a book that discusses many perl5 for Unix vs. perl5 for
 Windows NT issues. He includes a final chapter with extensive discussion of
 the Tk extension and the ->Text() widget in particular. The information on
 that book is: 
  Cross-Platform Perl
  (c) 1996 Eric F. Johnson
  MIS:Press/M&T Books
  ISBN: 1-55851-483-X
 Kamran Husain and Robert F. Breedlove have written a perl 5 book that
 includes a chapter on Tk with some discussion of Menu()s. That book is: 
  Perl 5 Unleashed
  Kamran Husain and Robert F. Breedlove
  (c) 1996 Sams Publishing, Indianapolis, IN
  ISBN: 0-672-30891-6
 There is also a "Perl 5 How-To" book available that contains a great deal of
 erroneous information about perl/Tk. Among other things that book wrongly
 mentions that it is necessary to have a complete Tcl/Tk library installed on
 one's system to compile the Tk extension to perl. (They are incorrect - it is
 only necessary to have the appropriate perl version, libc and Xlib, the Tk
 extension is otherwise "self-contained"). 
 There is also a book on perl web client. It features a a chapter on perl/Tk that
 was written by Nancy Walsh: 
  Web Client Programming with Perl
  Clinton Wong
  1st Edition March 1997
  O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
  ISBN: 1-56592-214-X; Order number: 214X
 Additional book information may be found at Tom Christiansen's perl & cgi
 books page, or at his Perl-related Book Reviews page. 
 The multi-part perl 5 manual pages are available (assuming they have been
 installed in your MANPATH, type man perl, man perlmod etc.). 
 The perl 5 man pages are also available on the web at a number of locations. In
 general the more recent the documentation the more helpful it is. 
 In addition to the CPAN ftp source sites, a miscellany of internet perl
 resources includes: 
 Perl FAQ-Archives (ftp sites) [Note: FAQ may be many separate files]
 (as of 5.004 the FAQ ships in pod format with perl)
     (see also the CPAN sites)
   North America
 Gopher Perl FAQ 
 WWW-FAQ for Perl
 Perl for Win32 FAQ  (discusses Win95)
 Perl info sites
 Gopher (gopher:70) perl info sites
 World Wide Web (http:80) perl info sites
   USA (Perl 5)
 Web references to Perl mailing lists
 Tcl/Tk Specific Documentation
 The two Tcl/Tk books by Ousterhout and Welch are very good starting points
 (you must however, translate the tcl-isms to perl in the sample scripts): 
  Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
  John K. Ousterhout
  Copyright (c) 1994 Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
  ISBN 0-201-63337-X (alk. paper)
  LOC QA76.73.T44097 1994; 005.13'3--dc20
  Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk
  Brent Welch
  Copyright (c) 1995 Prentice Hall
  ISBN 0-13-182007-9 
 Within the tclsh or wish shells your manpath includes the tcl/tk man pages
 (which may not be in your login MANPATH). Thus from the % prompt within
 either shell type commands like: 
     % man -k Tk
 The Tcl/Tk Reference Guide is also a source of useful information. Although
 it's Tcl specific most perl/Tk commands can be, more or less, easily derived
 from it. [Note that in perl/Tk the names of some functions and some
 configuration options have changed slightly from their Tcl/Tk counterparts.
 With recent versions of perl/Tk a great many functions start with an upper
 case letter and continue with all lower case letters (e.g. there is a perl/Tk 
 Entry widget but no entry widget), and many configuration options are all
 lower case (e.g. there is a perl/Tk highlightthickness option but no 
 highlightThickness option).] You may fetch the Tcl/Tk Reference Guide
 (may require LaTeX for installation) from:
 There are a number of other Tcl/Tk resources on the internet including: 
 FAQ-Archive (ftp) [Note: Tcl FAQ may be many files, Tk FAQ is one file]                
 WWW-FAQ for Tcl/Tk
 World Wide Web - Tcl/Tk info sites
 Tcl/Tk - miscellaneous extensions [incr Tcl] [WebWish] [BLT etc.]
 X Documentation
 Tk certainly makes the generation of GUI code a lot easier than hard coding
 things in traditional compiled languages such as C, C++, or Lisp. Nevertheless
 there is a very large body of X documentation out there that will assist all
 widget and GUI builders with issues of design, implementation, etc. Hence it is
 good practice to be informed of the general design goals of X itself as well as
 the other toolkits that have been built on top of X. 
 There are a number of X resources on the internet including: 
 X FAQs:
 X FAQ on the World Wide Web:
 X Window System book info on the Web:
 World Wide Web - X Window System info sites
 8. How do I write scripts in perl/Tk? 
 Start your script as you would any perl script (e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl, 
 #!/usr/local/bin/perl, #!/opt/bin/perl, [built static? then 
 #!/usr/bin/tkperl], whatever, see the perlrun(1) man page for more
 Throwing the -w warning switch is recommended.
 The use of the statement use strict; is recommended.
 Use of the statement use Tk; is required.
 A simple "Hello World!" widget script could be written as follows: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     $main->Label(-text => 'Hello World!'
     $main->Button(-text => 'Quit',
                   -command => sub{exit}
 The MainLoop; statement is the main widget event handler loop and is
 usually found in perl/Tk scripts (usually near the end of the main procedure
 after the widgets have been declared and packed). MainLoop; is actually a
 function call and you may see it written as MainLoop();, &Tk::MainLoop;, 
 &Tk::MainLoop();, etc. 
 Note the use of the -> infix dereference operator. Most things in calls to
 perl/Tk routines are passed by reference. 
 Note also the use of the => operator which is simply a synonym for the comma
 operator (well it is a bit more than that :-). In other words, the arguments that
 get passed to Label and Button in the above example are good old perl 
 associative arrays (perl 5 people prefer to call them "hashes" however).
 Indeed, we might have written the above as: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     $main->Label(-text , 'Hello World!'
     $main->Button(-text , 'Quit',
                   -command , sub{exit}
 Or even as: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     my %hello = ('-text','Hello World!');
     my %quit_com = ('-text' => 'Quit', '-command' => sub{exit});
 Note however, that the use of the => in the first method of writing this script
 makes it look more "Tcl-ish" :-). 
 Lastly, we note the extensive use of the my function in most perl/Tk programs.
 my is roughly equivalent to local in Perl 4 - but is purported to be "faster and
 safer" as well as much more strictly local in scope. See perlfunc(1)
 manpage for more information on my. 
 Other examples of code may be found in the perl5/Tk/demos/ directory
 and in perl5/Tk/demos/widget_lib/. 
 (A variant on this scipt called hello is available in the file 
 perl5/Tk/demos/hello in your own pTk distribution. Also, Source code
 for this and other examples from UserGuide.pod may be found at To load code from the web save as a
 local filename, edit the first line to point to your perl interpreter, then: chmod
 u+x filename, then execute: filename.) 
 9. What widget types are available under perl/Tk? 
 The following Tk widget primitives are available under perl/Tk: 
  o Button 
  o Canvas 
  o Checkbutton 
  o Entry 
  o Frame 
  o Label 
  o Listbox 
  o Menu 
  o Menubutton 
  o Message 
  o Radiobutton 
  o Scale 
  o Scrollbar 
  o Text 
  o Toplevel 
 The following are Tix widget primitives available under perl/Tk: 
  o HList 
  o InputOnly 
 There are (a lot of) other [compound|composite|constructs] available too. You
 can also synthesize new widgets out of these primitives using perl5's
 object-oriented multiple inheritance features. You can even build entirely new
 widget primitives from raw C (XS) code then use and re-use that. (Perl 5 is
 extremely configurable.) 
 A good introduction to the primitives and how they may be used in
 conjunction with each other may be found in the widget demo script. Note
 that all the widget demos have a "Show Code" button. To help figure out what
 is happening in the script you may, when the window appears, edit the text and
 instrument the code with print statements and then simply press "Rerun
 Demo". Another place to see examples of the primitives (on the web) is at the
 image supplement to this FAQ at the following URL:
 10. How do I get widget X to do Y ? 
 There are a number of tasks that can be accomplished with perl/Tk widgets,
 configurations, and bindings (a few that can't and a few that require specific
 tricks). Beginners are encouraged to work through the examples in 
 UserGuide.pod. Some examples from UserGuide.pod are addressed in
 this document among those that follow. 
 Basically a widget can be "created" by simply calling the sub of the same name:
     my $main = new MainWindow;
 will set aside the necessary system memory etc. for a new MainWindow widget
 (it does not appear until after the MainLoop; call). The object "created" is
 then callable via the variable $main. So, for example, if you wanted a Button
 in your MainWindow, then this: 
 would be a very basic example of a widget command. If you wanted to later call
 this button widget you would need a "widget tag or ID" to "get a handle on it".
 Instead of the above call try something like: 
     my $button = $main->Button();
 The variable $button is how you refer to the Button widget in subsequent
 calls, such as when we call the pack routine: 
     $button -> pack;
 A complete script that incorporates these ideas to make a very plain button
 would look like: 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     use strict;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     my $button = $main -> Button();
     $button -> pack;
 But who wants such a plain looking button? You can provide a number of
 different widget configurations via calls to the configure routine as in: 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     use strict;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     my $button = $main->Button();
     $button -> configure(-text => 'Press me!');
     $button -> pack;
 The Perl motto is "there is more than one way to do it." - perl/Tk remains
 quite true to this motto as well. Note that the above script could have been
 written quite succinctly without the use of either the $main or $button
 variables as: 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     use strict;
     new MainWindow -> Button(-text => 'Press me!') -> pack;
 But if you want your widgets to actually do things then you must set up
 callback procedures as discussed later... 
 Do not overlook the - sign in front of some options (like -text in the above
 example) Another commonly overlooked problem is that elements in a hash
 are supposed to be strings hence a configuration option like -length +> 5,
 really ought to be specified as either '-length' +> 5, or "-length" +>
 5, etc., rather than perl's builtin length() function. 
 10.1. How do I get a Button to call a Perl subroutine? 
 You may specify the -command option in the call to create & pack the button
 as in: 
     $main->Button(-text => 'Print',
                    -command => sub{do_print($filename, $font)}
 Where sub do_print { } is a subroutine that handles two arguments and
 is declared elsewhere in the script. A full script example of the use of the
 above code is presented in the second example(s) in UserGuide.pod 
 (Full source code for this and other examples from UserGuide.pod may be
 found at To load code from the web
 save as a local file say, edit the first line to point to your perl
 interpreter, then change permission: %chmod u+x, then execute the
 The above method is called the "anonymous subroutine (closure)" method.
 As discussed in Callback.pod one might have re-written that statement to
 use the "reference to a sub" method thusly: 
     $main->Button(-text => 'Print',
                    -command => [ \&do_print , $filename, $font ]
 Note the backslash in front of \&do_print. This causes perl to generate a
 reference to sub do_print rather than call it. (thanks Jim Stern :-) 
 10.2. How do I get a Button to actively change under my mouse pointer? 
 You should specify both an '-image' and an '-activeimage'
 configuration option either when calling the ->Button() method or in a
 later separate call to the ->configure() method. 
 Here is an example excerpted from the basic_demo script that comes with
 the Tk kit: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     $main = MainWindow->new;
     $QPBFile  = "demos/images/QuitPB.xpm";
     $QPBaFile = "demos/images/QuitPBa.xpm";
     $QuitPB  = $main->Pixmap('-file' => Tk->findINC("$QPBFile"));
     $QuitPBa = $main->Pixmap('-file' => Tk->findINC("$QPBaFile"));
     my $but  = $main->Button('-image'       => $QuitPB,
                              '-activeimage' => $QuitPBa,
                              '-command'     => sub { $main->destroy }
                             ) -> pack;
 10.3. How do I arrange the layout of my widgets? 
 To control the layout and appearance of widgets in a window one makes use of
 a geometry manager, as well as -padding, -fill, -expand, and -anchor options
 of individual widgets. 
 A geometry manager is any Tk procedure for controlling the arrangement of
 widgets in your application window. The predominant geometry manager used
 in both Tcl/Tk and perl/Tk is pack also known informally as the "packer"
 (other geometry managers are the "placer" and the canvas widget itself but
 are much less popular. There is also Nick Ing-Simmon's Table widget
 [discussed in a later question] and BLT_Table [which made it's way into
 perl/Tk thanks to Guy Decoux - but is also discussed in a later question]. So
 far tixForm is for Tcl/Tk only, but a perl/Tk version of Tix is in the works.
 You can invoke pack at the time of widget creation via calls like: 
 where widget can be any of the perl/Tk widget primitives. Widget option lists
 are usually passed as an associative array (hash) in parentheses thusly: 
     $widget(-option0 => value0,-option1 => value1)->pack;
 pack is often used in conjunction with the frame container widget to arrange
 your widgets much like a hiearchically arranged set of window panes
 (ultimately in a rectangular "tiling" fashion of sorts). An example of this
 would be: 
     my $top2 = $main->Toplevel;
     my $frame = $top2->Frame;
     $frame->Label(-text => 'Left2')->pack(-side => 'left');
     $frame->Label(-text => 'Right2')->pack(-side => 'right');
     $top2->Label(-text => 'Bottom2')->pack(-side => 'bottom');
 Note that pack itself is given parameters in this example. The default
 behavior for pack is equivalent to specifying -side => 'top' which can be
 overridden as in the above example. 
 (Full source code for this and other examples from UserGuide.pod may be
 found at To load code from the web
 save as a local file say, edit the first line to point to your perl
 interpreter, change permission using: chmod u+x, then type the
 name of your script: 
 One of the more helpful options to pass to pack when trying to get a given
 widget layout "just right" is through padding: either -padx or -pady. The
 details of the use of pad depend on which specific widget you are trying to 
 pack. In fact you can often add the -pad in the call to create the widget rather
 than in the call to pack. 
 There is also the -anchor configuration option for widgets. A good
 introduction to the 9 possible -anchor (and -overanchor) values is given
 by the popup demo in your perl/Tk build directory. 
 When setting a widget within a frame next to another widget one may wish to
 make use of the -fill => 'style' (where style = none | x | y | both)
 options of either pack or the widget itself. A typical situation where this is
 used is in setting up the Scrollbar next to a Canvas or Text widget. 
 Another aspect to consider when laying out your widgets is their behavior
 under resize operations (grabbing a part of the window frame and making it
 bigger or smaller - details depend on your window manager). This may be
 controlled by the -expand option of either pack or the widget itself. 
 10.4. How do I get a Popup to popup? 
 For things like a simple "are you sure?" dialog box you might want to take a
 look at which is discussed in a later question within this FAQ
 If you don't wish to require Tk::Dialog, you need something more complicated,
 or you simply want to create your own independent window with widgets; you
 must first setup a Toplevel in perl/Tk. The fourth example in UserGuide.pod
 gives a simple example of how to call Toplevel. Quoting from that script: 
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     fill_window($main, 'Main');
     my $top1 = $main->Toplevel;
 Where sub fill_window is declared after the call to MainLoop;. When
 running that script take careful note of which window pops up first, which
 window has grabbed the active attention of your input device(s), and which
 widget within the active window has the keyboard/mouse focus when all three
 windows are open. 
 The use of Toplevels brings up the issue of grab - or which independent
 window is presently "active" and which are activatable. To make a Toplevel
 window active call grab thusly: 
 where $Top_widget identifies the desired Toplevel (it would be either 
 $top1 or $top2 in the sample script referred to above). grab_option
 could be -global - but this is discouraged as a sign of "desparate
 programming style". To give a Toplevel "local grab" you may simply say: 
 That is, without an argument. 
 The use of Toplevels may also bring up the issue of focus - or which window
 - even which widget within a window - is presently "hot". You may call 
 focus on an entire Toplevel: 
 However, focus is most often used with individual widgets rather than a
 whole Toplevel. 
 To de-iconify a widget there is in fact a Popup function that may be called
 10.5. How do I bind keyboard keys? 
 There are many default key bindings built in to the widgets of perl/Tk. Making
 proper use of them often involves setting up the right callback. (You may wish
 to consult the examples in BindTable.pod for help with this subject.) 
 The basic idea is: 
     $widget -> bind('<keyname>' => action);
 Where $widget is the tag or ID of the widget for which the bindings are to
 hold (note for global bindings you have to bind to <All>, for semi-global
 bindings you need to bind to all the relevant widgets in your application), '<
 keyname>' can be things like: 
     <Key> or <KeyPress> or <Any-KeyPress>
     <Button> or <ButtonPress>
     <Button-1> or <B1> 
 To figure out what names perl/Tk uses for such <bindings> use the
 "binder-finder" on a widget's .pm file. For example, you could find bindings
 hidden inside of by typing this at your shell prompt: 
     perl -ne 'print if s/.*(<[^>]*>).*/$1/g;'
 while in the directory where is located (and if you are not there
 then simply specify the /path/to/ Note that due to
 inheritance (e.g.the type of script bindings that are being discussed here) what
 the binder-finder turns up may not be the last word on a given widget's
 behaviour. This may be especially true for a widget inside of a
 compound/composite widget. Note also that the binder-finder will turn up
 things like <FILEHANDLES> as well as honest <Bindings>. Discrimination
 in its use is called for (and while your at it you could have just as easily used an
 editor and actually examined the code directly now couldn't you?). 
 To get an idea of what the code is for a key that you are interested in try
 running the xlib_demo that comes in your perl/Tk build directory. Hold your
 mouse pointer over the window that appears and simply type the key that you
 are interested in. The code should appear in the window. If you do not have
 perl/Tk up and running yet try "xmodmap -pk" or look directly at the 
 /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h file where keysym names are given with
 an XK_ pre-pended. Do not try things like the Tcl/Tk %k symbols in perl
 scripts. %Ks will be mis-interpreted as non-existant perl hashes. Instead look
 at the Xevent function. 
 Ali Corbin <> recently posted a great little
 script for determining keyboard key bindings on a MainWindow: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     $top = MainWindow->new();
     $frame = $top->Frame( -height => '6c', -width => '6c',
                             -background => 'black', -cursor => 'gobbler' );
     $top->bind( '<Any-KeyPress>' => sub
         my($c) = @_;
         my $e = $c->XEvent;
         my( $x, $y, $W, $K, $A ) = ( $e->x, $e->y, $e->K, $e->W, $e->A );
         print "A key was pressed:\n";
         print "  x = $x\n";
         print "  y = $y\n";
         print "  W = $K\n";
         print "  K = $W\n";
         print "  A = $A\n";
     } );
 To bind the action of one widget to that of another try taking a look at the
 .pm file for the widget of interest - is there a binding function already
 defined? If so you may use it. An example would be the use of "Up" & "Down" 
 Buttons for a Listbox: one could bind the Buttons to call 
 Tk::Listbox::UpDown, however, Guy Decoux describes a much more
 clever way to use the <Up> and <Down> already defined in (this
 does not work with Tk-b9.01): 
     use Tk;
     $top = MainWindow->new;
     $lb = $top->Listbox(-height => 10);
     for($i=0; $i < 120; $i++) {
       $lb->insert('end', $i);
     $f = $top->Frame;
     $up = $f->Button(
            -text => "Up",
            -command => [ $lb->bind(ref $lb, '<Up>'), $lb]
     $down = $f->Button(
              -text => "Down",
              -command =>sub {&{$lb->bind(ref $lb, '<Down>')}($lb)}
     $up->pack(-side => 'left');
 10.6. How do I add bindings? 
 On Fri, 15 Sep 95 10:30:56 BST Nick Ing-Simmons
 <> writes: 
 Re: Multiple binds to a single widget?
 On Thu, 14 Sep 1995 14:57:54 -0400
 Alain St <astdenis@cmc.doe.CA> writes:
 !In the tcl/tk doc I have, they say that prepending the script 
 !with '+' appends the new binding to the current one.
 !How do I do that in perlTk? 
  You cannot do that that way (yet?) - one issue is what it would mean to
  prepend '+' to a perl/Tk callback : 
     # did not look right to me
  Other issue is that I would need to manage a list-of-callbacks in glue
  Bind your new command to a new tag: 
  And add Extra to the widgets bindtags: 
 10.7. How do I bind the action of a slider (sic) to ... ? 
 Technically speaking they are called Scrollbars (not sliders) and one must 
 configure the action of the desired widget to call the Scrollbars (i.e. bind
 is not involved here) 
 A common task using Scrollbars is to configure things like Canvas, 
 Listbox, or a Text widgets to be updated (change appearance) when the
 slider of the acompanying Scrollbar is moved by the user. 
 As an example consider the code that sets up a twelve element Listbox and
 an accompanying vertical Scrollbar: 
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     my $box = $main->Listbox(-relief => 'sunken', 
                              -width => -1, # Shrink to fit
                              -height => 5,
                              -setgrid => 'yes');
     my @items = qw(One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
                    Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve);
     foreach (@items) {
        $box->insert('end', $_);
     my $scroll = $main->Scrollbar(-command => ['yview', $box]);
 So far so good. But merely setting them up does not mean that the Listbox
 even knows that the Scrollbar is lying next to it. Note that the scalar
 variable $scroll is how we refer to the Scrollbar, thus, hooking the $box
 up to handle $scroll events is a matter of configuration: 
     $box->configure(-yscrollcommand => ['set', $scroll]);
 A complete script that makes use of this code (and adds the necessary calls to 
 pack and MainLoop;) is given as the fifth example in UserGuide.pod (and
 may be found at 
 There was an old Perl/Tk tendency to have a bunch of ScrlFoo widgets (such
 as ScrlListbox). The use of such widgets is now deprecated in favor of a
 new Scrolled class, as in: 
     $w = $patent->Scrolled('Text',...);
 The widgets that can be ->Scrolled() include: 
  o Canvas (::Axis) 
  o Entry 
  o Ghostview 
  o HList 
  o HTML (::Web) 
  o Listbox 
  o Pod 
  o Text (::ROText) (::TextUndo) 
  o Tiler 
 10.8. How do I configure a Scrollbar to scroll multiple widgets? 
 Note that the widget type that you wish to scroll can be important as a scroll
 "unit" on a Text or Listbox may be a character (several pixels - depending
 on font) whereas it would be an X "units" on a Canvas (could be pixel - but
 you may also specify other units). 
 A concrete answer for scrolling 3 Listboxes comes courtesy of Frederick L.
 Wagner <>: 
  From a working example of multi-xscrolling: 
     sub multiscrollx
     {  # multiscrollx
      my ($sb,$wigs,@args) = @ARG;
      my $w;
      foreach $w (@$wigs)
     }  # multiscrollx
     # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
       $sh->configure( -command => [ \&multiscrollx, $sh,
       $ruletable->configure(  -xscrollcommand => [ 'set', $sh]);
       $ruleheader->configure( -xscrollcommand => [ 'set', $sh]);
       $scratchrule->configure(-xscrollcommand => [ 'set', $sh]);
  In this case,
  $sh is a horizontal Scrollbar,
  $ruletable and $scratchrule are Tables
  $ruleheader is an Entry
  However, this approach is good for any widget with X-scrolling
  capability, I think. So the Y counterpart should be: 
     sub multiscrolly
     {  # multiscrolly
      my ($sb,$wigs,@args) = @ARG;
      my $w;
      foreach $w (@$wigs)
     }  # multiscrolly
     # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
       $sv->configure( -command => [ \&multiscrolly, $sv,
       $l1->configure( -yscrollcommand => [ 'set', $sv]);
       $l2->configure( -yscrollcommand => [ 'set', $sv]);
       $l3->configure( -yscrollcommand => [ 'set', $sv]);
  Hope that helps. 
 Greg VanSickle <> points out that this little script snippet
 does not provide for the binding of '<Button-2<' that he is accustomed to.
 He wrote a package called DSListbox to address this binding issue. 
 Conversely, Jong Park asked how to setup multiple Scrollbars to scroll the
 same widget. Nick Ing-Simmon's reply makes use of an anonymous sub and
 can be summed up in a little script that scrolls a Text widget (to see the
 scrolling in action type more than 20 lines of text into the widget):
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     my $mw = MainWindow->new();
     my $s1 = $mw->Scrollbar(-orient => 'vertical');
     my $s2 = $mw->Scrollbar(-orient => 'vertical');
     $s1->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'y');
     my $t = $mw->Text(
         -yscrollcommand =>  sub{$s1->set(@_), $s2->set(@_)},
         -wrap           => 'word',
         -width          => 70,
         -height         => 20, 
         -font           => $font,
         -setgrid        => 1,
     )->pack(-side => 'left');
     $s2->pack(-side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
     $s1->configure(-command => [$t => 'yview']);
     $s2->configure(-command => [$t => 'yview']);
 10.9. How do I display a bitmap? 
 You can display X bitmaps on your widgets with the -bitmap configuration
 option. Typically -bitmaps are configured into Label, Frame, Button, etc.
 widgets (Canvas widgets are another story however see question [11.1] below).
 In order to emphasize the bitmap option itself let us assume we were
 specifying a bitmap for a Label with a call like: 
     $main->Label(-bitmap => 'bitmap-name')->pack;
 Where bitmap-name could be any of the built in Tk bitmaps: error, 
 gray25, gray50, hourglass, info, question, questhead, warning (see
 the widget demo for a full list). 
 In order to use some of the bitmaps in the perl5/Tk/demos/images/
 directory you would specify a fuller path name like: 
     $main->Label(-bitmap => "\@$tk_library/demos/images/face")->pack;
 Note the escaped "\@" on the directory specification (as well as the use of the 
 $tk_library variable imported by use Tk;). If you wanted to specify a file
 called foobar.xbm in the directory where you were running the script then
     $main->Label(-bitmap => '@foobar.xbm')->pack;
     $main->Label(-bitmap => "\@foobar.xbm")->pack;
 should work just fine. In another directory however that would be a problem.
 So something like: 
     $main->Label(-bitmap => "\@$ENV{'HOME'}/img/foobar.xbm")->pack;
 will help someone who has an img/foobar.xbm file in their $HOME
 directory. If you don't mind the non-portability then hard-wiring in the full
 path name will help as well. (Or if you have write access then put your files in 
 Tk/demos/images/ e.g.) 
 10.10. How do I display an image? 
 You will want to get a "Photo" handle on the file as in the following example
 where 'imggif' is the Photo handle for a gif file that is distributed with
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     $main ->Label(-text => 'Main')->pack;
     $main -> Photo('imggif', 
                    -file => "$Tk::tk_library/demos/images/earth.gif");
     my $l = $main->Label('-image' => 'imggif')->pack;
     $main->Button(-text => 'close',
                   -command => sub{destroy $main}
                   )->pack(-side => 'left');
     $main->Button(-text => 'exit',
                   -command => [sub{exit}]
                   )->pack(-side => 'right');
 (Canvas widgets are another story however see question a later question
 within this FAQ). 
 10.11. What Image types are available? 
 In addition to the Tk builtin bitmaps there is support for reading images
 from files in formats such as: X11 Bitmaps (.xbm), X Pixmaps (.xpm), and
 Graphics Inline Format (.gif). See the CrtPhImgFmt man page for more info
 (if you have Tk 4.X installed). (In order to support other formats you might
 also consider running through a netpbm filter.) 
 For perl generation of images see the question (later in this FAQ) on graphics
 10.12. Is there any way to have more than one Listbox contain a selection? 
 To allow more than one Listbox to contain a "selection", (or at least a
 highlighted item - which need not be the actual selection) specify the
 configuration option: 
     -exportselection => 0
 which will dis-associate Listbox's selection from X selection (only one
 window can have X selection at a time). 
 Here is a rather simple script that illustrates what happens when only one 
 Listbox has -exportselection => 0 specified: 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     my $main = MainWindow->new;
     my @fruits = ('Apple','Banana','Cherry','Date','Elderberry','Fig');
     my @nuts   = qw(Almond Brazil Chestnut Doughnut Elmnut Filbert);
     my $fruit_list = $main->Listbox();
     for (@fruits) { $fruit_list -> insert('end',$_); }
     my $fruitprint_button = $main->Button(
                               -text => "print selection",
                               -command => sub{ printthem($fruit_list) }
     my $nut_list = $main->Listbox(
                                   -selectmode => 'multiple',
                                   -exportselection => 0,
     for (@nuts) { $nut_list -> insert('end',$_); }
     my $nutprint_button = $main->Button(
                               -text => "print selection(s)",
                               -command => sub{ printthem($nut_list) }
     my $quit_button = $main->Button(-text => "quit program", 
                                     -command => sub{exit},
     sub printthem {
         my $list = shift;
         my @entries = $list->curselection;
         for (@entries) { print $list -> get($_),"\n";}
 For a more extensive example of Listbox usage combined with some perl
 data structure exploitation see the script at:
 10.13. How do I select a range of tags in a Text widget? 
 A question arose concerning getting a range of selections from a Text widget. 
 Nick Ing-Simmons' answer mentions several possibilities including: 
  Keyboard Copy/Paste 'is' implemented of course... 
 Subj:   RE: $Text->tag('ranges', 'sel') - does this work?
 In <>
 On Fri, 29 Dec 1995 14:57:42 -0500
 Charles J Williams <> writes:
 !I was writing a little tk perl today, and i decided to try to 
 !implement a copy/paste using the 'sel' tag
 !I enabled exportselection, and then try to probe the select 
 !region with:
 !    $buffer = $text->tag('ranges', 'sel');
 !$buffer comes back with one entry, the end of the selection.
  That is to be expected - the scalar gets assigned the last element of the
 !I tried:
 !    @buffer = $text->tag('ranges', 'sel');
 !same difference.
  This seems to work for me: 
     ($start,$end) = $text->tagRanges('sel');
  In perl/Tk ->tagRanges(...) is an alias for ->tag('ranges',...) 
  The following subroutine can also probe and print the tagRanges: 
     sub showsel  
      my $text = @_;
      my @info = $text->tagRanges('sel');
      if (@info)
        print "start=$info[0] end=$info[1]\n" 
 10.14. How do I group Radiobuttons together? 
 Specify the -variable option on each one. Here is an example pulled from
 the demo script: 
      $letters = '';
      my $w_frame_left_b3 = $w_frame_left->Radiobutton(
          -bitmap   => "\@$tk_library/demos/images/letters",
          -variable => \$letters,
          -value    => 'full',
      my $w_frame_left_b4 = $w_frame_left->Radiobutton(
          -bitmap   => "\@$tk_library/demos/images/noletters",
          -variable => \$letters,
          -value    => 'empty',
 10.15. How do I specify fonts? 
 The quick answer is to specify the font configuration option of your widget as
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     $main = MainWindow->new();
     $labl = $main -> Label('-text' => "Foo", '-font' => "fixed");
     $labl -> pack;
 The long answer involves figuring out what fonts you have access to locally.
 The Unix programs xlsfonts and xfontsel are useful in this regard. 
 The perl/Tk version of xfontsel was distributed as the font_test script in the
 Tk build directory. 
 See also the later question (within this FAQ) on international fonts. 
 10.16. How do I get the entry in an Entry? 
 You want to call get on the return value of the widget itself. Here is how it
 may be used in a simplified version of example 1.1 from the Tk::UserGuide
 where a Button is set up to call a sub where the call to get lies: 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     my $main = MainWindow -> new();
     my $entry = $main -> Entry();
     $entry -> pack;
     $main->Button(-text => 'Print', 
                   -command => sub{do_print($entry)}
     sub do_print {
         my ($widget) = @_;
         my $entered = $widget -> get();
         print "The string \"$entered\" was entered.\n";
 10.17. How do I hide a password Entry? 
 Set the -show option to zero, as in this example: 
     $entry = $form->Entry(-textvariable => \$user_entry, 
                           -show => 0);
 10.18. How do I limit an Entry's insertion width? 
 Nick Ing-Simmons recommends writing a new Entry widget with the 
 insert method appropriately overridden by one that does limit the width. His
 code is avaialable as a separate package from:
 Now Brent Powers points out a possible problem with that approach and
 recommends an insert() method as follows: 
     Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 10:32:44 -0400
     From: "Brent B. Powers" <>
     Subject: Re: How to set max characters for Entry widget
     In-reply-to: <199608211445.PAA09248@pluto>
     Ummm, before we set this into the distribution or FAQ, maybe we should
     make it work properly.  An example:  Imagine maxwidth configured to 8,
     the user fills in ABCDEFGH, moves the cursor back 4 places, and types
     I.  The SUPER::insert call sets the string to ABCDIEFGH, which this
     code then modifies to ABCDIEFG.
     Hmmm, how about
     sub insert {
       my($w, @args) = @_;
       my($max) = $w->cget(-maxwidth);
       my($sval) = $w->get;
       if (length($sval) >= $max) {
          if (length($w->get) > length($sval) {
         ## Reject it;
         my($idx) = $w->index('insert'); #  get current cursor position
             $w->delete(0, 'end');
             $w->insert(0, $sval);
       } else {
     Of course, that still doesn't deal with the selection, but ... 
 To which Nick Ing-Simmons responded (Thu Aug 22 1996): 
     'paste' and <ButtonRelease-2> call insert method, what other selection
     issues are there?
 10.19. How do I obtain Menus that do not tear off? 
 Nick Ing-Simmons outlined a couple of ways to achieve this result. The
 critical feature being the -tearoff => 0 configuration option of the Menu.
 In Nick's words: 
     my $mb = $parent->Menubutton(...);    # The button
     my $menu = $mb->Menu(-tearoff => 0);  # Create a non-tearoff menu
     $mb->configure(-menu => $menu);       # Tell button to use it.
  Above is for clarity - you can loose $menu variable: 
     my $mb = $parent->Menubutton(...);  
     $mb->configure(-menu => $mb->Menu(-tearoff => 0));  
 11. How do I get a Canvas to ... ? 
 The Canvas widget is the most configurable and versatile. With versatility
 comes complication however, and it is certainly deserving of its own special
 section within this FAQ... 
 You might also see the examples in the widget demo especially the "canvas
 item types" selection (which runs the demo script). 
 11.1. Display a bitmap? 
 Unlike other widgets the Canvas does not take the -bitmap configuration
 option. One of the ways to place things - including bitmaps - onto a Canvas
 is to call create on it. To emphasize how a Canvas handles bitmaps
 differently from the configurable widgets let me assume that you wanted to
 specify the 'hourglass' built in bitmap in the following. (For more on xbm file
 specification see a previous question [10.9] within this FAQ.) Here is a way to
 combine the Canvas; and create; calls: 
     my($canvar) = $main->Canvas();
     my($bittag) = $canvar->create('bitmap',10,10, -bitmap=>'hourglass');
 You can also create an image that will display a bitmap (plus a whole lot
     my($canvar) = $main->Canvas();
     my($bitmap) = $main->Bitmap(-data => $data);
     my($bittag) = $canvar->create(qw(image 10 10), -image => $bitmap);
 11.2. Erase a display? 
 To erase something like a bitmap call delete on the item. Assuming your 
 Canvas tag is $canvar and your item tag it $bittag (as in the previous
 [11.1] question) then the call proceeds like: 
     $canvar -> delete($bittag);
 This is of course useful in a callback. For example to configure a Button to do
 your deletion for you you could say something like: 
     $main->Button(-text   => 'clear', 
                   -command=>sub{$canvar -> delete($bittag)}
 To remove an entire MainWindow() call the withdraw() method: 
     $main -> withdraw;
 11.3. Display an Image? 
 Just as for the other widget types there is a two step process of first getting a "
 Photo" handle on the file of interest. For the Canvas (unlike the other
 widgets) one then makes a call to create an image as in the following
 example where 'IMG' is the Photo handle for a GIF file that comes
 distributed with the Tk kit (it just happens to be handled in this example via
 the scalar variable $img): 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     my $canvar = $main ->Canvas;
     my $file = 'demos/images/earth.gif';
     my $img = 
      $canvar->Photo( 'IMG', 
                      -file => Tk->findINC($file) );
     $canvar->create( 'image',0,0, 
                      '-anchor' => 'nw', 
                      '-image'  => $img );
 11.4. What things can be created on a Canvas? 
 The following types can be used in $canvar->create calls: 
     arc        sections of circle
     bitmap     for X11 bitmap files/builtins
     image      for Photo image types (gif, xpm, xbm, ...) 
     oval       includes circles
     polygon    may be -filled
     rectangle  may also be -filled
     text       similar to Text widget primitive
     window     allows embeddding of other widgets
 11.5. How do I redraw a line on a Canvas? 
 By calling the ->coord method on the item as in the following example: 
     use Tk;
     $m = MainWindow->new;
     $c = $m -> Canvas;
     $i = $c -> create('line', 0,0 => 50,50 );
     $c -> pack;
     $b = $m -> Button('-text' => 'extend', 
                       '-command' => sub{push_it($c,$i)},
     sub push_it {
         my ($canvas, $line) = @_;
         $canvas -> coords($line, 0,0 => 100,100 );
 Thanks to Christopher Dunn and Harry Bochner
 <> for providing this question and answer. 
 11.6. How do I use the Canvas as a geometry manager? 
 In a call to create a window (or anything) on your Canvas you need to
 specify its position - this is in part how a Canvas can be used as a geometry
 manager. e.g.: 
     my($bittag) = $canvar->create('bitmap',10,10, -bitmap=>'hourglass');
 Specifies the x=10, y=10 screen pixel location (from the upper left). Other
 possible units are: 
     tag  unit             example
          pixels           25,50   # i.e. no unit tag at all
     m    milliimeters     10c,20c
     c    centimeters      1c,2c
     p    points (1/72")   35p,70p
 There can be a great deal more to it than just units, however. Note the
 following question posed and answered by Eric J. Bohm. 
     Eric J. Bohm <> wrote:
     !I've got a row of entries packed side by side in a frame.  
     !These frames are packed on top of each other.  
     !So, when someone deletes a row, the lower ones bubble 
     !up automatically.  This works just fine and dandy, and let me
     !extend my thanks to our brave and energetic pTk team.
     !The trick here is what widget do I put this in so that 
     !it will be scrollable when I have too many rows to 
     !fit on the screen?
       [details and complaints]
  Following up to my own message here. 
  All right, after several false leads, I spent 3 hours fighting a canvas
  widget and pounding my head against the canvas.html doc, until I finally
  understood how to include my entries in a frame in a window in the
  canvas and get things to scroll nicely. 
  Turns out that the whole thing isn't all that hard to do once I understood
  how canvas widgets work. 
  Not sure if its of general interest, but here's the snippet, which was stolen
  from the items demo inside the widget_lib and then brutally hacked. 
  Perhaps a simpler demo would have been easier to use as a guide, but I
  got there eventually, so my thanks for the widget demo.
     my $c = $w_frame->Canvas();
          -height       => '300',
          -width        => '600',
          -relief       => 'sunken',
          -bd => 2,
      my $w_frame_vscroll = $w_frame->Scrollbar(
                                          -command => ['yview', $c]
      my $w_frame_hscroll = $w_frame->Scrollbar(
                                          -orient => 'horiz', 
                                          -command => ['xview', $c]
      $c->configure(-xscrollcommand => ['set', $w_frame_hscroll]);
      $c->configure(-yscrollcommand => ['set', $w_frame_vscroll]);
      $w_frame_hscroll->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
      $w_frame_vscroll->pack(-side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
      $c->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both',-side=>'top');
      my $entryframe=$c->Frame;
      my $c_win= create $c 'window','0','0',
  Where $c -> configure( -scrollregion => [$top, $left,
  $right, $bottom]) can be used to size things nicely once you find out
  how big it'll be. 
  And the widgets you want scrolled should be slaves of $entryframe. 
  Vastly more robust than anything I had running in the BLT Table. 
 11.7. How do I get a Canvas to output PostScript(c)? 
 Many thanks to Tom Oelke <> for providing this question,
 answer & snippet of code: 
  The following section of code gets the postscript code for the section of
  canvas that's top-left corner is at $min_x, $min_y, and has a width and
  height equivalent to the displayed region. This ps code is then piped out
  to lpr to be printed. 
     my $ps = $canvas->postscript( '-x' => $min_x,
                                   '-y' => $min_y,
                                   -width => $canv->Width,
                                  -height => $canv->Height);
     open (PS, "| lpr"); # customize with -Pname e.g. 
     print PS $ps;
     close (PS);
 Whereas you would use something like: 
     open (PS, ">"); # to output to a file
     print PS $ps;
     close (PS);
 11.8. How do I get a PostScript(c) output of a Canvas w/ widgets? 
 In general you don't. You can't do it in Tcl/Tk either (if that is any
 consolation). Nick Ing-Simmons posted an explicit discussion of what is
 Subj: RE: Canvases and postscript output
 On Tue, 28 Nov 95 14:37:09 PST
 Davis <> writes:
 ! I have a canvas with text and some entry widgets that I want to create
 !postscript from. I used the 
 !widget->postscript( -file => '', -colormode  => 'gray');
 !the file gets created but its empty. Is there some other options I need?
  Core Tk cannot write postscript for embedded windows, the best it could
  do would be to grab a Pixmap of the window as displayed. This is fine if
  the window is visible, but if it is scrolled off screen or under another
  application there is no pixmap. 
  Only complete fix is to have a ->postscript method for every possible
  widget which can render un-mapped widgets. This is non-trivial task. 
 !Also I have a scrollbar for this canvas and when I scroll  the entry widget
 !actually scroll part way out of the frame the canvas is in. Why does this
 !happen and can I fix it? 
  The Entry widgets need to be descendants of the canvas or they just get
  clipped to their parent. 
 11.9. How do I get the size of a Canvas? After a re-size? 
 simply returns the size of the canvas when it was created, whereas 
 will get the answer even after a re-size. Substitute [Hh]eight for [Ww]idth
 in the above if that is what you want. 
 Nick Ing-Simmons points out that if you want to have your Canvas be able to
 grow to arbitrarily large sizes be sure to specify the -expand or -fill options
 when you ->pack the Canvas. 
 11.10. How do I bind different actions to different areas of the same Canvas?
 KOBAYASI Hiroaki <> recently posted an
 extraordinary little script that addresses this question quite succinctly: 
  How about this?
  ## I don't know whether this is a good solution or not.
  ## but it works under Tk-b9 + perl5.002b1f.
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     ($c = MainWindow->new->Canvas)->
        pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
     # to survive under Tk-b8. 
     # You don't need paren before pack in b9.
     ($pop1 = $c->Menu)->command(-label => "FOO");
     ($pop2 = $c->Menu)->command(-label => "BAR");
     $c->create(oval => 0, 0, 100, 100, 
                -fill => 'black', 
                -tags => ['popup']);
     $c->Tk::bind($c, '<3>', [\&PopupOnlyThis, $pop1]);
     $c->bind('popup', '<3>', [\&PopupOnlyThis, $pop2]);
     sub PopupOnlyThis {
         print "@_\n";
         my($c, $pop) = @_;
         # to prevent multiple popup.
         Tk->break if defined $Tk::popup;
         my $e = $c->XEvent;
         $pop->Popup($e->X, $e->Y);
         # Tk::Menu::Popup sets $Tk::popup.
     $Tk::popup = undef; # to kill warning.
 12. Common Problems. 
 Everything in Tk-land is a reference. When defining callbacks take care to
 pass variables by reference. Callbacks are closures and to ensure a variable gets
 its current value, as opposed to its value when the callback is defined, pass by
 reference, e.g.: 
     $frog = 123;
     $b = $mw->Button(
         -text    => 'Push Me',
         -command => [
             sub {
                my($widget, $frog) = @ARG;
                print STDERR "widget=$widget!\n";
                print STDERR "frog=$$frog!\n";
             }, $mw, \$frog,
     ); # end Button definition
 If $frog is not passed by reference the print statement will always output "
 123" (actually, the print as it exists will print nothing since it's trying to
 dereference $frog, which presumably is now not a reference). Note that by
 definition all perl/Tk widgets are already references, since they're simply Perl
 objects, and that's why you do not have to print $$widget! 
 A good "reference" for handling references and dereferencing are the 
 perlref(1) and perlobj(1) man pages. A good "reference" for the
 various data types you will encounter in this kind of perl programming is Tom
 Christiansen's Perl Data Structures Cookbook which is now available as the 
 perldsc(1) man page. 
 Also beware the traps that befall perl4 programmers in making the move to
 perl 5. References for this include the new perltrap(1) man page as well as
 William Middleton's perl425 trap document at:
 12.1. What do the ->, => and :: symbols mean? 
 The -> is the "infix dereference operator". In other words it is the means by
 which one calls a sub with a pass by reference (among other things you can do
 with ->). As stated above most things in calls to perl/Tk routines are passed
 by reference. The -> is used in perl just as in C or C++. (Most of the widget
 primitives are elements of the Tk:: "perl class".) A simple example of
 dereferencing would be: 
     $x = { def => bar };  # $x is a reference to an anon. hash
     print $x->{def},"\n"; # prints ``bar''
 Note that in the case of calling perl/Tk subs there may be more than one way
 to call by reference. Compare 
     my($top) = MainWindow->new;
     my($top) = new MainWindow;
 But in general you will be making extensive use of calls like: 
     $top -> Widge-type;
 There is a clear and succint discussion of references, dereferences, and even
 closures in man perlref(1) or see the perl 5 info page at:
 The use of the => operator is quite common in perl/Tk scripts. Quoting from 
 man perlop(1): 
  The => digraph is simply a synonym for the comma operator. It's useful
  for documenting arguments that come in pairs. 
 You could say that => is used for aesthetic or organizational reasons. Note in
 the following how hard it is to keep track of whether or not every -option
 has an argument: 
     $query -> Button(-in,\$reply,-side,'left',-padx,2m,-pady,
 As opposed to: 
     $query ->Button( -in => \$reply,
                      -side => 'left',
                      -padx => 2m,
                      -pady => 2m,
                      -ipadx => 2m,
                      -ipady => 1m
                     )->pack(-side => 'bottom');
 By the way if you wanted the numeric "greater than or equal" you would use >=
 not =>. 
 While the :: symbol can be thought of as similar to the period in a C struct, it
 is much more akin to the :: class scope operator in C++: 
     a.b.c;       /* something in C */
     a::b::c();   // function in C++ 
     $a::b::c;    # a scalar in Perl 5
     @a::b::c;    # a list in Perl 5
     %a::b::c;    # an associative array or "hash" in Perl 5
     &a::b::c;    # a function in Perl 5
 It is also analogous to the single forward quotation mark in perl 4: 
     $main'foo;   # a $foo scalar in perl 4
     $main::foo;  # a $foo scalar in Perl 5
 For backward compatibility perl 5 allows you to refer to $main'foo but 
 $main::foo is recommended. 
 12.2. What happened to the ampersands &? 
 Perl 4 programmers especially may be surprised to find that as of Perl 5.0 the
 ampersand & may be omitted in a call to a subroutine if the subroutine has
 been declared before being used. Actually you can even get around the declare
 before omit ampersand rule by using the pragma, or by
 pre-declaring (without defining) as in a script like: 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     sub Mysub;  #pre-declare allows calling Mysub()
     ...Other main/Tk stuff - 
             including call to Mysub() sans &...
     sub Mysub {
         ...Mysub stuff...
 Note however that one place the \& reference is sometimes used in perl/Tk in
 the setting up a callback for a widget. Other references are possible: e.g. \$foo
 is a reference to the scalar variable $foo (this was true even under perl 4). 
 12.3. What happened to the quotation marks? 
 Perl 4 programmers especially may be surprised to find a serious dearth of
 quotation marks around strings in perl 5 scripts such as in perl/Tk. The "rules
 have been relaxed" somewhat for the use of quotation marks. Basically it is
 OK to leave them out if the context of the string in question is unambiguous.
 However, it never hurts to leave them in and may help readability. 
 Here is Larry Wall's synopsis of the string situation: 
    Re: To string or not to string... 
 In article <4e49fv$>,
 Andy Finkenstadt <> wrote:
 ! Back when I was learning perl (after receiving a review copy of
 ! learning perl, and buying the real perl book, each from ORA),
 ! I always got bit by when I needed to use "strings" and when
 ! I could get away with bare_words within braces for associative
 ! arrays.  (Yes, this is under 4.036 if it matters.)
 ! the most typical example would be:
 ! When must I use $assoc{"trailer"} and when can I get away with
 ! $assoc{trailer}?   Similarly, $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} versus
 ! $ENV{"CONTENT_LENGTH"}?  Unfortunately sometimes my strings
 ! end up being numbers in their own right, i.e.:  $message{"0"}
 ! or $msg=0; $message{$msg}.  Which is more appropriate,
 ! which are merely stylistic, and which are stricly perl5
 ! features now that I'm upgrading most of my installations
 ! of perl.
  Perl 4 let you use a "bareword" for a string if it had no other
  interpretation. It would warn you under -w if you used a word consisting
  entirely of lower-case characters, since such a word might gain an
  interpretation someday as a keyword. 
  Perl 5 still works the same way, but with several twists. 
  1. ) Since you can now call predeclared subroutines as though they were
    builtins, you have to worry about collisions with subroutine names too.
  2. ) You can completely disallow the default interpretation of barewords
    by saying "use strict subs", which requires any such bareword to be a
    predeclared subroutine. But... 
  3. ) Overriding all that, Perl 5 (in recent versions) will FORCE string
    interpretation of any bare identifier used where a single hash subscript
    is expected, either within curlies or before a =>. (Those are the places
    you might usually want the old barewords anyway.)
  The upshot of these rules is that you can write Perl 5 with much less
  punctuation than Perl 4, yet also with less ambiguity. If you so choose. 
 Tcl programmers should note that in Perl the single quotation marks '' act
 much as the curly brace {} enclosure does in Tcl (no escaping special
 characters $@\ etc.). Whereas the double quotation marks "" allow for
 substitution of $variables (the rules are a little different between Tcl and
 Perl however). 
 Note also that a frequently seen short hand in perl5/Tk scripts is the @list
 returned by qw(): 
     @list = qw(zoom schwartz bufigliano);
 which is equivalent to: 
     @list = split(' ','zoom schwartz bufigliano');
 or more simply: 
     @list = ('zoom','schwartz','bufigliano');
 i.e. the qw/STRING/ @list is not equivalent to the quotation marks provided
 by q/STRING/, qq/STRING/, or qq(STRING)... 
 There are, ironically enough, situations in perl/Tk where one needs to use
 quotation marks as in the following by post by <>: 
  Paul Wickman wrote in article <4b4o0fINNlu8@CS.UTK.EDU>:
 !    Why does the following statement work fine:
 !$day->pack(-before => $year, -side => 'left');
 !    But the below generates the given error:
 !$day->pack(-after => $year, -side => 'left');
 !Ambiguous use of after => resolved to "after" => at line 191.
  Because there is a sub after in scope, probably imported from Tk via 
  use Tk;. 
  There are two workrounds: 
     use Tk qw(MainLoop exit ...); # just ones you use
     $day->pack('-after' => $year, -side => 'left');
 12.4. Must I use "my" on all my variables? 
 If you use strict; (as recommended) the answer is "probably". This
 confines the variables names to your namespace - so your variable does not
 conflict with one in the module(s) your are using (you are at the least useing
 Tk;). my does "lexical scoping" on a variable rather than the "dynamic
 scoping" done by local (like auto variables in C). The difference between
 these two is that the scope of my $var is confined to the block (sub, if, 
 foreach, etc.) in which it is declared and used, as opposedto local $iable
 which can propogate to all blocks called by the block in which it is declared. In
 general the confined scope of my $var means that its use will proceed quicker
 and more efficiently than local $iable. 
 If you give a fully qualified variable name such as 
     $main::var = 1;  # No "my" needed
 Then no my $var is needed. However, the lexical scoping of my $var makes
 it preferable. 
 If you choose to use my (as recommended) then beware that you should
 declare a variable my only at the first use (instantiation) of a variable.
 Consider yet another way to re-write the "Hello World!" script: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     my $label = $main->Label(-text => 'Hello World!');
     my $button = $main->Button(-text => 'Quit',
                                -command => sub{exit});
     $label->pack;  #no "my" necessary here
     $button->pack; #or here
 Considering the finite number of names (in particular the high probability
 that a variable named $label or $button was used in one or more of the
 extensions to perl that you may be using) it helps one's programming to use
 strict; and declare variables yours alone with my. 
 James M. Stern points out that redundant my declarations are not simply
 useless they can be dangerous as in the following script which will not work: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use strict;
     use Tk;
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     my $label = $main->Label(-text => 'Hello World!');
     my $main;   #WRONG: this $main overrides previous
     my $button = $main->Button(-text => 'Quit', #will now fail
                                -command => sub{exit});
 12.5. Is there a way to find out what is in my perl/Tk "PATH"? 
 Presuming this question is asking for a little more than the answer you get
 when you type: 
     ls perl5/lib/Tk/*.pm
 there are ways to find out what gets EXPORTED by Use a script like: 
     use Tk;
     require '';
 or more succintly at the shell command prompt: 
     perl -e 'use Tk; require ""; dumpvar("Tk");'
 The advantage of using dumpvar over ls is that it gives you a brief summary of
 all the arguments your widgets want. Note that the output is many lines and
 you may wish to pipe through more or less. 
 If you wish to determine the Configuration options a given widget accepts (and
 what the values are at a given point in a script) you may use the ->configure
 method with no arguments to retrieve the list of lists, as in this example: 
     use Tk;
     my $main = MainWindow -> new;
     my $scrl = $main -> Scrollbar('-orient' => 'horizontal');
     @scrollconfig = $scrl -> configure;
     for (@scrollconfig) {
         print "@$_\n";
 Such code is useful for development but is probably best left out, commented
 out, or switched out of "production line" code. 
 12.6. What is the difference between use and require? 
 The short answer is that something like: 
     use Tk;
 is equivalent to: 
     BEGIN { require ""; import Tk; }
 Hence the essential difference is that a mere require Tk; does not achieve
 the import of function/method names. The significance of this is that it
 allows one to call ->Button rather than having to call the fully qualified 
 ->Tk::Button e.g.. For further details on this subject see man perlmod(1)
 or see Tom Christiansen's document at:
 12.7. How do I change the cursor/color? 
 Nick Ing-Simmons <> and others posted a series of answers
 to this type of question. In summary what they said was: 
     $mw->configure(-cursor => ... );
  Unless you use one of built-in cursors it gets messy. 
  Here copy of what Tk/demos/color_editor does: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     my $mw = MainWindow->new;
     $mw->configure(-cursor => ['@' . Tk->findINC('demos/images/cursor.xbm'), 
                                      'red', 'green']);
  That says that argument to -cursor is a list of 4 things: 
  1. . Pathname to bitmap with '@' prepended to say it isn't a built in name
    (Using findINC to locate file relative to Tk install location.) 
  2. . Pathname to mask bitmap (no @ required) 
  3. . Foreground colour 
  4. . Background colour 
 ! I want to remap it for the MainWindow
 ! and will be using a pixmap.
  You won't be using a Pixmap with normal X11. X11 allows *bitmap*
  with optional mask (another bitmap), and two colours. 
  The optional nature of the mask means that a simple call with a list
  reference like: 
     $mw->configure(-cursor => ['watch', 'red', 'blue']);
  should work alright. 
 You may also obtain the value of the default cursor for a widget using
 something like ->optionGet. 
 12.8. How do I ring the bell? 
 The short answer is 
    $widget -> bell;
 A slightly longer answer might include a fully functioning script: 
     use Tk;
     $main = MainWindow -> new;
     $butn = $main->Button(-text => 'bell')
     $butn->configure(-command => sub{ $butn->bell; });
 An even longer answer would be a fully functioning script with a callback: 
     use Tk;
     $main = MainWindow -> new;
     $but = $main->Button(-text => 'bell', 
                          -command => sub{ringit($main)})->pack;
     sub ringit { 
         my $m = shift; 
 Simon Galton <> reminds us to be careful in that 
  some systems remap this [the "console bell"] to anything from a digital
  sound to a flash on the screen. 
 12.9. How do I determine the version of perl/Tk that I am running? 
 With an up to date perl installation one may query the local perl setup and all
 extensions via the command: 
     perldoc perllocal
 For the Tk extension: version numbering has changed recently and
 determining the version of perl/Tk that you are running now depends on what
 version you are running: 
 Tk-b10 (and higher) has changed to $Tk::VERSION (rather than the older "
 $Tk:Version") to be consistent with other packages. Hence a short succinct
 way to tell which version you have installed (that works with Tk-b11 and
 Tk400.200) is: 
     perl -MTk -e 'print $Tk::VERSION."\n"'
 The version numbers as of Tk-b9.01 are stored in the following variables: 
     Core Tk version : $Tk::version
     Tk patchLevel :   $Tk::patchLevel
     library :         $Tk::library
     perl/Tk Version : $Tk::Version 
 At your shell prompt you could say something like the following to determine
 you perl/Tk Version: 
     perl -e 'use Tk; print "$Tk::Version\n";'
 The switch to Tk-b9.01 from previous versions included a large number of
 method name changes. Nick was kind enough to include a b9names script in
 the distribution that assists with the job of updating your older scripts. See the 
 b9names script for a rather complete discussion of the name changes.
 Geoffroy Ville also posted a notice of some of the changes. Here is a brief (and
 very incomplete!) summary: 
 older                         Tk-b9.01++
 packslaves                    pack('slaves')
 packpropagate                 pack('propagate')
 packForget                    pack('forget')
 $w->delete if ($w);            $w->destroy if ($w);
 A little script (Tk_module) can tell you and return the value: 
     use Tk;
     local(*Tk_m) = \$Tk::Tk_module;
     print "$Tk_m\n";
 Or more succintly say something like the following (at your shell prompt): 
     perl -e 'use Tk; print "$Tk::Tk_module\n";'
 You can obtain the version of Tk in use with the following (at your shell
     perl -e 'use Tk; print "$Tk::tk_version\n";'
 where this command returned "4.0" when the previous one (or Tk_module)
 returned "b8". 
 All Tk versions:
 Don't forget that you can always determine your Perl version/patchlevel/etc.
     perl -v
 (at the shell prompt - it's actually a little harder to get as much information
 from within a #!script.) As of perl 5.002 you can use perl -V to determine
 your perl Configuration. 
 OZAWA Sakuro <> points out some ways to
 do it in a script: 
  1. '$]' holds the version number. 
  2. In Perl5, 'require NUMBER;' will complain if version is younger
    than NUMBER. (e.g. require 5.001;) 
  3. Of course, newly imported (and incompatible) features in newer
    scripts will bailout before execution if parsed by an old interpreter. 
 Note that if you use English; then $PERL_VERSION holds the version
 To determine your MakeMaker version number try something like this
     perl -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e 'print "$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION\n";'
 or this (5.001m ok): 
     perl -e 'use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;print"$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION\n";'
 or even this (older perls and MakeMakers): 
     perl -e 'use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;print"$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Version\n";'
 Please note that thoughout this FAQ document there are references to things
 like Tk-b10(++) or Tk-b10++ which roughly translated to use English;
 means something like "I think this will work with this version of Tk and
 (maybe) higher versions...". You might also see Tk-b8(--) which means
 something like "it worked with that old version and probably worked with
 prior versions and if you are stuck with an old Tk version you might have to do
 it this way...". 
 12.10. How do I call perl from C? 
 You need to see a recent copy of the perlembed(1) pod page. By "recent" it
 needs to be up to date with at least perl5.002. 
 Borrowing from Jon Orwant's preamble to that document: 
 Do you want to: 
 Use C from Perl?
    Read (at least) the perlcall(1), the perlapi(1), the perlxs(1),
    the perlxstut(1), and the perlguts(1) manpages.
 Use C++ from Perl?
    Recent changes to MakeMaker will make this easier. Be sure you are
    familiar with the perlcall(1), the perlapi(1), the perlxs(1),
    the perlxstut(1), and the perlguts(1) manpages.
 Use an executable program from Perl?
    Read about backquotes ``, system(), and exec() built in perl
    functions. Try reading the perlfunc(1) manpage.
 Use Perl from Perl?
    Read about do, eval, use and require. The perlfunc(1) manpage
    discusses these. For complete scripts you may also make use of the
    backquotes ``, system(), or exec() built in perl functions, but you
    may take a performance hit in doing so (see perlfunc(1) for
 Use C from C?
    Rethink your design.
 Use C++ from C++?
    See previous.
 Use Perl from C?
    Read (at least) the perlembed(1) and the perlguts(1) manpages.
 Use Perl from C++?
    Read (at least) the perlembed(1) and the perlguts(1) manpages.
 There is also an Doug MacEachern's <> embedder's
 development kit on CPAN and at a URL of the following form:*.tar.gz
 12.11. How do I call Tcl code from perl/Tk? 
 Assuming that you have a pressing need to call Tcl from perl/Tk then one
 "official way" to so would be via the ->send() and the ->Receive()
 It is also worth noting that you can still have access to a complete Tcl script
 from perl via the perl system, or `` (backtick), or even exec mechanisms.
 Just be careful with I/O waits and return values if you try one of these
 approaches. Further suggestions may be found in the various perlipc files at:
 A more satisfactory Tcl/Tk-wish-like behavior can be embedded in perl by
 making appropriate modifications to Dov Grobgeld's perl script that uses
 sockets for perl<->wish communication: 
 #  An example of calling wish as a subshell under Perl and
 #  interactively communicating with it through sockets.
 #  The script is directly based on Gustaf Neumann's perlwafe script.
 #  Dov Grobgeld
 #  1993-05-17
     $wishbin = "/usr/local/bin/wish";
     die "socketpair unsuccessful: $!!\n" unless socketpair(W0,WISH,1,1,0);
     if ($pid=fork) {
             select(WISH); $| = 1;
         # Create some TCL procedures
             print WISH 'proc echo {s} {puts stdout $s; flush stdout}',"\n";
         # Create the widgets
         print WISH <<TCL;
         # This is a comment "inside" wish
         frame .f -relief raised -border 1 -bg green
         pack append . .f {top fill expand}
         button .f.button-pressme -text "Press me" -command {
             echo "That's nice."
         button .f.button-quit -text quit -command {
             echo "quit"
         pack append .f .f.button-pressme {top fill expand} \\
                        .f.button-quit {top expand}
         # Here is the main loop which receives and sends commands
         # to wish.
         while (<WISH>) {
             print "Wish sais: <$_>\n";
             if (/^quit/) { print WISH "destroy .\n"; last; }
     } elsif (defined $pid) {
         open(STDOUT, ">&W0");
         open(STDIN, ">&W0");
         select(STDOUT); $| = 1;
         exec "$wishbin --";
     } else {
         die "fork error: $!\n";
 Ilya Zakharevich <> has a "ptcl.h" header file for
 the construction of tcl bindings from pTk (there are limitations to this
 approach). It was posted to the mailing list archive at:
 If you absolutely must pass large amounts of pre-parsed data between Tcl and
 perl then perhaps you should look into Malcolm Beattie's Tcl/Tk extensions to
 Perl instead. Those modules are distrubuted at CPAN sites. As mentioned
 above running Tcl/Tk/perl is incompatible with running perl/Tk. 
 13. What are some of the primary differences between Tcl/Tk and Perl/Tk? 
 Considering that both interpreters/(compiler) for Tcl and Perl were written in
 C for original use on Unix computers it is not surprising that there are some
 similarities between the two languages. 
 Nevertheless, there are a large number of differences between the Tcl
 language and the Perl language. One thing to keep in mind is that to build,
 install, and use Perl/Tk one does not need to have Tcl/Tk on hand at all.
 Perl/Tk is completely independent of Tcl/Tk. 
 Tom Christiansen (a definite perl proponent) has put up a web page that
 elucidates some critical technical differences between Tcl and Perl at:
 Within each language there is Tk - a widget Toolkit. One must be careful that
 some of the Tcl/Tk widget names and options have been modified slightly in
 the perl/Tk language. 
 With Tk-b9.01 (and higher) a great many functions (method calls actually)
 start with an upper case letter and continue with all lower case letters (e.g.
 there is a perl/Tk Entry widget but no entry widget), and many
 configuration options are all lower case (e.g. there is a perl/Tk 
 highlightthickness option but no highlightThickness option). Thus
 if you are having trouble converting a script check your typing. (there is a
 script b9names to help). There is also a tcl2perl script (discussed later). 
 The html docs that get created during the build of perl/Tk ought to help clarify
 most any language difference. While the following table does not cover all the
 differences it is hoped that it will prove useful, especially to those people
 coming from a primarily Tcl/Tk programming background. These are some of
 the common Tcl->Perl stumbling points: 
 what              Tcl/Tk                 Perl/Tk
 variable          set a 123              $a = 123; or $a = '123';
 re-assignment     set b $a               $b = $a;
 lists/arrays      set a {1 2 fred 7.8}   @a = (1,2,'fred',7.8);
 re-assignment     list set b $a          @b = @a;
 associative       set a(Jan) 456.02      %a = ('Jan',456.02,'Feb',534.96);
  arrays           set a(Feb) 534.96
 re-assignment     foreach i \            %b = %a;
                    [array names a] {
                    set b($i) = $a($i) }
 Note on the above examples:
 In Tcl the scalar, list, and array variable 'a' will overwrite each 
 previous assignment.
 In Perl $a, @a, %a are all distinct (occupy separate namespaces).
 expressions       set a [expr $b+$c]     $a = $b+$c;
 increment         incr i                 $i++; or ++$i;
 declare           proc plus {a b} {      sub plus { my($a,$b) = @_;
  subroutines       expr $a + $b }         $a+$b; }
 variable scope    local default          global default
                   override w/ "global"   override w/ "my" (or "local")
 call              plus 1 2               &plus(1,2); #or
  subroutines                             plus(1,2);  #OK after sub plus
 statement sep     newline or at ";"      ";" required
 statement         "\" - newline          none required
 verbatim strings  {}                     ''
  e.g.             {a \ lot@ of $stuff}   'a \ lot@ of $stuff'
 escaped strings   ""                     ""
  e.g.             "Who\nWhat\nIdunno"    "Who\nWhat\nIdunno"
 STDOUT            puts "Hello World!"    print "Hello World!\n"
                   puts stdout "Hello!"   print STDOUT "Hello!\n"
 Note also that Tcl/Tk has a built-in abbreviation completion mechanism that
 lets you specify short hand, e.g. 
    canvas .frame.canvas -yscrollcommand ".frame.scroll set" ; #Tcl/Tk OK
    canvas .frame.canvas -yscroll ".frame.scroll set" ;        #Tcl/Tk also OK
    $canvas=$main->Canvas(-yscroll => ['set',$scroll]);  #ERROR perl/Tk
    $canvas=$main->Canvas(-yscrollcommand => ['set',$scroll]); #perl/Tk OK
 You may get around this with the perl package in certain
 circumstances. For example: 
    require '';
    %foo = ();
    $canvas=$main->Canvas($foo{'-yscroll'} => ['set',$scroll]); #perl/Tk OK
 In Perl you can emulate the Tcl unknown proc (through the perl AUTOLOAD
 mechanism) as follows: 
     use Shell;
     print($p = man(-k => bitmap));
 Which is equivalent to what you would get if you typed: 
     man -k bitmap
 >From within tclsh or wish. (Thanks to Ilya Zakharevich 
 <> for pointing out this feature. ;-) 
 14. How do I install new scripts | modules | extensions? 
 (Thanks to Ilya Zakharevich <> for pointing out
 that perl code comes in a variety of flavors and some code requires more work
 than others to install. Hence I have expanded this topic and will refer to three
 distinct categories here: Scripts Modules and Extensions:) 
 A "self-contained" script needs little modification (in principle!) to run. It is a
 good idea to check the #! line at the very top of the file to reflect your local
 perl setup (e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl -w (change to) 
 #!/usr/gnu/local/perl -w or what have you). There are allegedly "more
 portable" ways to invoke the perl interpretor as well - they are more fully
 documented in the perl FAQ and the perlrun(1) man page, however. 
 Other things you do not want to forget when trying to run a perl script include
 giving yourself permission to do so, e.g.: 
     chmod u+x newscriptname
 You also want to be sure your DISPLAY environment variable is set up
 properly when attempting to run a perl/Tk script. You may also need to look at
 the xhost(1) or the xauth(1) man pages for setting up your X-display
 If you are still experiencing difficulty check to be sure that extraneous
 /newsgroup|e-mail|HTML headers|footers|markup//; are not in the file and
 that you have on hand all that is requireed or useed by the script (if not you
 may need to install a module - or even a perl4 style file). 
 Check out the module - make sure it is OK and will run on your system - does
 it require a specific location? For testing purposes (always a good idea) or if
 you do not have root priveleges set the file in a directory that you do have
 write access to and try to include it in a test script. Assuming you have a
 module to test called "" and are simply running the test script in the
 same directory as the module begin by adding to the @INC array like so: 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
      BEGIN { @INC = ("$ENV{'PWD'}",@INC); }
      use Tk;
      use Foo;
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
      use lib $ENV{PWD};
      use Tk;
      use Foo;
 Another approach is to set either the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment
 variable from your shell. This method allows invoking the test script from
 within a number of different directories without having to edit a hard coded 
 use lib or push(@INC,".") kind of statement within the script. Yet
 another way to do it is with the -I switch on the command line like so: 
     perl -Ipath/to/Foo -e fooscriptname
 After a successful test; if you are a system administrator, or have root
 priveleges, or are modifying your own copy of perl; then copy it to the 
 perl5/Tk directory. Depending on how the module was written it should be
 possible to use it either with the use Tk; statement itself or with an explicit 
 use Tk::Foo; (for module perl5/Tk/ 
 Extensions (Overgrown Modules)
 These may come as a multi-file kit (tape archive usually) and may require a C
 compiler for part of the installation (perl/Tk itself falls into this category).
 You know you have an Overgrown Module (Extension) when there is one or
 more files with an .xs extension (perl->C meta code) and a Makefile.PL
 (perl->make meta code). One invokes the perl MakeMaker on the file called 
 Makefile.PL in order to create a Makefile via: 
     perl Makefile.PL
 You may now run make on the resultant Makefile - but the details of this
 process are module dependent and should be documented in a README or an 
 INSTALL file. A very standard perl extension requires 4 (or 5 if making static)
 standard commands to make and install: 
     perl Makefile.PL
     make test
     make install
 If you have the appropriate CPAN and FTP modules already installed you can
 retrieve a module from CPAN and carry out all of the above steps with a perl
 one-liner like this: 
     perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Foo"'
 15. How do I write new modules? 
 You might want to start by poking around your perl/Tk build directory. Is there
 something there that already does what you want? Is there something that is
 reasonably close - but only requires minor modification? 
 Next go through the various perl documents - including the FAQ as well as
 the various relevant man pages: perlmod(1), perlobj(1), perlbot(1),
 (and please don't forget: perlpod(1)!) 
 Post your idea to and discuss it with others - there might
 very well be someone working on an approach already. A clear explanation of
 all the stuff that gets put into a module was posted to the mailing list and can
 be found in the archive at:
 Also, be sure to check out a recent version of the official Module List that Tim
 Bunce <> and Andreas Koenig 
 <a.koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE> maintain and post to 
 comp.lang.perl.announce periodically. The list is also available at any CPAN
 ftp site as well as:
 Finally ready to ship? Small (perl/Tk) modules have been posted directly to Big modules may require ftp distribution (see upload info at
 one of the CPAN sites) then make your announcement to
 and possibly to comp.lang.perl.announce. 
 16. Composite Widgets. 
 Composite widgets combine the functions of two or more widget primitives
 into something that is not quite a stand alone program but is something that
 may prove very useful for inclusion in your own scripts. A variety of
 composite widgets have been written and many are still being worked on.
 Many come bundled with your perl/Tk distribution kit, and some are simply
 posted to It is quite common to have composite widgets
 written in perl modules - usually in terms of the Tk widget primitives.
 Graphical examples of some of the composites discussed here can be seen by
 GUI browsers at:
 16.1. How do I get a Dialog box? 
 For things like a simple "are you sure?" dialog box you might want to take a
 look at perl5/Tk/ This module may be invoked with require
 Tk::Dialog; etc. - there are much more extensive directions inside the
 comment fields at the top of the file itself. The module has a lot
 of options and has a tutorial driver script in perl5/Tk/demos/dialog. is also used by the perl5/Tk/demos/widget demo. In particular
 look at perl5/Tk/demos/widget_lib/ and for
 examples of how one makes use of Tk::Dialog. A snippet of a script that uses
 this module could look like: 
     require Tk::Dialog;
     my $mw = MainWindow->new;
     my $D = $mw->Dialog(
                  -title => 'Are you sure?',
                  -text  => "You have requested rm \*\nAre you sure?",
                  -default_button => 'No',
                  -buttons        => ['No','yes']
     my $choice = $D->Show;  # use Show for Tk-b9.01
 # if using Tk-b8:    my $choice = $D->show;
     print " you chose $choice \n";
 A question concerning configuration of the Subwidgets on the Dialogs came
 up recently: 
 <> wrote:
 ! I want to reconfigure the colors of the Dialog and
 ! ErrorDialog buttons.  How do I do this?
 ! Thanks in advance.
    $dialog_widget->configure(-background => 'purple'); 
  Since these two widgets are composites you manage them like any 'ol
  widget. If the default delegate subwidget(s) aren't to your liking you can
  always get to individual component widgets of the composite via the 
  ->Subwidget() method. 
  I see these subwidgets: 
    'message' is the label subwidget with the dialog text, and 'bitmap' is the
    label subwidget showing the dialog bitmap
    'error_dialog' is Dialog subwidget, 'text' is text subwidget
  You can even do things like this: 
  to "get to" the label widget of the dialog component of the error_dialog
  Be sure to also check out the "dialog" demo. 
 16.2. Is there a file selector? 
 Yes, there may be several eventually... 
 One distributed with the perl/Tk code kit itself is called and was
 written by Frederick L. Wagner - (based on an original by Klaus
 Another module called was adapted by Alan Louis Scheinine from
 Wagner's It is available from:
 A module called allows one to type in a new (non-existant)
 filename for "Save as..." type operations. It was posted by Mark Elston on 12
 Oct 1995 to the mailing list and is available from:
 A slightly different behaviour is to be had with Brent B. Powers' that was posted to the mailing list on 12 Jan 1996 and
 available from:
 Harry Bochner chimed in with It is available from:
 In general, if there is a feature that you want missing from one of these, or
 some behaviour that you would like to see modified then by all means cp the
 source code to your area and start hacking ;-) 
 16.3. Is there a color editor? 
 There is. Please see 
 or run the Tk/demos/color_editor demo script for more information. 
 16.4. Is there a round Scale? 
 It is not quite a "round Scale" but Roy Johnson has written "" for
 round dial (or speedometer) -like settable widgets. It is available from:
 As well as from the Contrib/ sub-directory of your perl/Tk build directory. 
 16.5. Is there something equivalent to tkerror? 
 Yes there is. Please see the Tk/ module for further
 16.6. Are there Tables? 
 There are least two: 
 Nick's Table
 Nick Ing-Simmons has distributed his own Table widget package with
 Tk-b9.01 (and higher). It is used through a use TK::Table; and 
 $top->Table(); calls. A rather detailed demo of this widget/geometry
 manager's capabilities can be found in the table_demo script (in your 
 Tk-b9.01/ build directory). There is also pod in the perl5/Tk/
 file. You may also browse the perl Tk::Table man page on the web at
 Guy Decoux's BLT_Table
 Guy Decoux <> has ported the popular BLT_Table
 Tcl/Tk tabular geometry manager to perl/Tk. It was known to work with
 Tk-b8. You may obtain the latest version of it either from
 or from a CPAN site in the authors/id/GUYDX/ directory. You may also
 browse the perl BLT_Table man page on the web at
 17. Programming/development tools. 
 There are a number of tools and methods to help you with your perl/Tk
 scripting and development. It is worthwhile to note here that the -w switch is
 recommended as is the use strict; statement near the top of your
 script/program. If it dies and you still cannot decrypt the error message that
 these generate take a look though man perldiag(1). 
 17.1 Is there a Tcl/Tk to perl/Tk translator? 
 Nick Ing-Simmons has written a (rather lengthy) tcl2perl script. It is
 distributed with the perl/Tk build kit. Please handle carefully! (translation: do
 not expect it to translate arbitrary tcl code accurately nor even into the most
 efficient perl/Tk equivalent. Do go over the converted script with care - and
 do not forget -w and use strict;.) Thanks Nick :-) 
 17.2 Is there something equivalent to wish in perl/Tk? 
 The answer is yes. 
 The idea of wish is that you read from <STDIN> and evaluate each statement.
 The standard way to do this in perl/Tk is to use the tkpsh script that comes in
 your perl/Tk build directory. Another elegant way to get wish like behavior in
 perl/Tk is to use rmt which you can find in perl5/Tk/demos in your perl/Tk
 distribution. When you run rmt you already have set up for you so you
 can start typing things like $mmm = new MainWindow; etc. at the rmt:
 prompt. (This use belies the power of rmt which is derived from Ousterhout's
 Tcl/Tk version of rmt [see section 27.2 of his book]. rmt is capable of
 "inserting Tk code" into simultaneously running Tk applications.) 
 A cruder way to get wish-like behaviour with perl/Tk is to run a "perl shell"
 and type in your usual commands, including use Tk; etc. There is a script
 distributed with perl called perlsh which is written quite simply as: 
      $/ = '';        # set paragraph mode
      $SHlinesep = "\n";
      while ($SHcmd = <>) {
          $/ = $SHlinesep;
          eval $SHcmd; print $@ || "\n";
          $SHlinesep = $/; $/ = ''; 
 You can use this during code development to test out little snippets of code. It
 helps to be an accurate typist and the use strict; is optional here :-) 
 KOBAYASI Hiroaki has a more sophisticated wish like perl/Tk "shell" that
 is called EVA. It is available from:*.tar.gz
 17.3. Is there a debugger specifically for perl/Tk? 
 Not for the latest version - but the -w switch and use strict; are always
 helpful with debugging as they provide informative error messages. 
 You can, of course, run under the standard perl debugger using the -d switch
 like so: 
     perl -d myscript
 But it is recommended that you set you breakpoints carefully since just the
 calls to ManWindow->new require many steps. 
 (Older information): Gurusamy Sarathy <> had built a
 PERL5DB file called Tkperldb (which despite the name is for pTk not
 Tk/perl). One must install an early de-bugger then apply a patch to bring the
 debugger up to date. The early debugger kit was available from:*.tar.gz
 And Gurusamy Sarathy notes that the patch to bring the debugger up to date
 is available at: 
  You need a post 5.001m perl that has support for debugging closures. 
  Or you can simply apply:
  to 5.001m. (5.002beta includes all the fixes in the above patch).
 Note that a perl debugger may be invoked within your script with a line like: 
     $ENV{'PERL5DB'} = 'BEGIN { require Tkperldb }';
 See man perldebug(1) for more help. 
 Keep in mind that you are programming in perl after all. The perl debug line
 mode is available to you through executing the following from your shell: 
     perl -de 0
 Whereupon you must enter all the lines of a script including use Tk;.
 (Fancier file reads & evals are possible - but if you are getting that
 sophisticated why not create your own custom PERL5DB file?) When using 
 perl -dwe 0 beware of the emacs like line editing under this debugger, and
 be forewarned that as soon as you type in the MainLoop; statement perl will
 no longer read from <STDIN>. 
 Ilya Zakharevich <> points out that very recent
 perldb versions will allow for simultaneous X and STDIN reads. He also points
 Note that you may use 
     sub myLoop {
       if (defined &DB::DB) {
         while (1) {             # MainWindow->Count
       } else {
 (and I hope the analogous provision will be in MainLoop in 
  tk-b9 - hi, Nick ;-)
 17.4. Is there a GUI builder in perl/Tk? 
 Work has reputedly (January 1996) started on porting a Tcl/Tk GUI builder
 known as SpecTcl for use with perl/Tk. For the Tcl/Tk SpecTcl kit see:*.tar.[gz|Z]
 and address questions about SpecTcl to <>. 
 In <> Andreas
 Koschinsky <> announced a perl script for use with
 SpecTcl that has some interesting capabilies: 
  24 Mar 1996 22:45:21 GMT
  ... So i wrote a perl-script that can convert project-file (.ui-files) which
  spectcl writes. The script reads the .ui-file and generates an equivalent
 The URL for ui2perl should be something like:*.tar.gz
 Somewhat more removed from SpecTcl there is also SWIG. 
 18. Processes & Inter-Process Communication under Perl/Tk. 
 Inter-Process Communication (IPC) is the subject of spawning and
 controlling other programs or "processes" from within perl (sometimes using
 sockets to do so). The subject is briefly discussed in the perlipc(1) man
 page, and was addressed towards the end of Chapter 6 of The Camel. The
 subject is also discussed in the perl FAQ and at Tom Christiansen's ftp site
 (in the various perlipc* files) at:
 as well as the web site at:
 In addition to the usual perl IPC routines Tk allows (at least) three more
 special functions: fileevent (for handling I/O events), send (for
 inter-widget communication), and after (for time control like a sleep
 expressly for widgets). 
  If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
  And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
  And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
  Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!
  -Ken Burchill(?) 
 18.1. How does one get Perl/Tk to act on events that are not coming from X? 
 On 22 Nov 1995 (Yaniv Bargury) wrote: 
  I need to write a GUI monitor, that displays the status and controls a set
  of processes running in the background. The idea is to have the GUI
  application start a few child processes, command the children through
  pipes from the GUI to the children, and display the children status
  coming on pipes from the children to the GUI in real time. 
  The GUI must not be busy waiting, because the CPU resources are
  limited. This excludes using the Tk_DoWhenIdle as explained in the
  The usual way to do this is to for the GUI process to have one select()
  in its main loop. That select() should wait for X events or input from
  the pipes leading from the children. 
  How do you do this? 
 To which Nick Ing-Simmons <> replied: 
  fileevent - it is the hook into the select() in the mainloop. 
 In addition Avi Deitcher <> replied with: 
  I wrote something similar to effectively do a tail -f on multiple hosts,
  displaying the result on separate text widgets. Do the following: 
  with a one-way pipe from each child to the parent. Set up the following: 
  for each pipe that you have. This will cause pTk to monitor the 
  FILEHANDLE and call 'subroutine' when an event happens on that
  handle. In this case: FILEHANDLE = pipename status =
  'readable' or 'writable' or 'exception' and subroutine = any
  subroutine that you want. 
 To provide a concrete example of fileevent usage Stephen O. Lidie wrote a
 wonderful little GUI tail monitor he calls tktail: 
     #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     # tktail pathname
     use English;
     use Tk;
     open(H, "tail -f -n 25 $ARGV[0]|") or die "Nope: $OS_ERROR";
     $mw = MainWindow->new;
     $t = $mw->Text(-width => 80, -height => 25, -wrap => 'none');
     $t->pack(-expand => 1);
     $mw->fileevent(H, 'readable', [\&fill_text_widget, $t]);
     sub fill_text_widget {
         my($widget) = @ARG;
         $ARG = <H>;
         $widget->insert('end', $ARG);
     } # end fill_text_widget
 An example of how one might use such a script would be to create and
 monitor a file foo like so: 
     echo Hello from foo! > foo
     tktail foo &
     echo \"A ship then new they built for him/of mithril and of elven glass\" --Bilbo \
      >> foo
 18.2. Is there a send and do I need xauth? 
 There is a Tk::send, but to use it own must write one's own version of 
 Tk::receive. An example of this may be found in the rmt program
 distributed with perl/Tk. Note that as of Tk-b12 (including the released
 version Tk400.200) the script that receives from a Tk::send must run with
 taint chcecking turned on (i.e. with the -T switch thrown) and it must untaint
 all commands received from the other process. 
 The Tk::send <-> Tk::receive process will work under xhost +
 authority. The security this affords comes from the fact that anyone who
 would want to exploit it would have to know how to write a Tk::receive
 custom tailored to your application (in addition to all the other protocol
 Please note that while you may not need xauth authorization it is
 nevertheless always a good idea. 
 18.3. How can I do animations using after? 
 There is a "toggling button" demo script supplied with Tk called after_demo
 that makes effective use of after(). 
 Terry Greenlaw <> of Encompass Technologies
 posted a character cell animator for the really bored. Here it is in a slightly
 modified form that allows string input from the command line (note too the
 recursive call that doesn't sop up system memory): 
 =head1 NAME
 From: "Terry Greenlaw"  Thu Feb 1 12:02:24 EST 1996
 To: ptk@guest.WPI.EDU
 Subj: A code sample for the REALLY bored
 For everyone with a case of Browser envy after using Microsoft's Internet
 Explorer, here's a perl/tk script only slightly more useful than a script
 to do <BLINK>. Don't know why I wrote it. Don't know why you'd run it.
 Maybe if you were writing a ticker tape application. Or had a weird thing
 for Times Square. Anyway....
 Terry Greenlaw (on-site @ Lockheed Martin)      Encompass Technologies          
     #use strict;
     use Tk;
     $message=join(' ',@ARGV,''); 
     if (!$message) {
         $message="THIS IS A VERY LONG SCROLLING MESSAGE...      ";
         $topmssg="This is the top of the screen";
         $botmssg="This is the bottom of the screen";
     else {
     $top = MainWindow->new;
     $l1 = $top->Label(-fg => 'White', -text => $topmssg);
     $l1->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1 );
     $m1 = $top->Label(-fg=>'Red', -bg=>'black',
                       -textvariable => \$message, 
                       -width => 15 
     $m2 = $top->Label(-wrap=>1, 
                       -fg=>'Green', -bg=>'black',
                       -textvariable => \$message2, 
                       -width=>1, -height=>8 
     $l2 = $top->Label(-fg => 'White', -text => $botmssg);
     $l2->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1 );
     after(100, \&scroll_it);
     sub scroll_it {
         $message =~ /(.)(.*)/;
         ($message2 = $message) =~ s/ /  /g;
         after(100, \&scroll_it);
 (Please note that a script like this is now distributed as "TickerTape" in
 your Tk*/Contrib/ directory.) 
 18.4. How do I update widgets while waiting for other processes to complete? 
 The short answer is either 
     $widget -> update;
     $widget -> DoOneEvent;
 Here is a script that makes use of the first of these methods. Note that instead
 of actually doing something useful the "long running process" is simply a call
 to the perl sleep() function for illustrative purposes: 
     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     use Tk;
     my $m = MainWindow->new();
     my $l = $m -> Listbox();
     $l -> bind('<Double-1>' => sub{sleepy($l)} );
     my @nuts   = qw(Almond Brazil Chestnut Doughnut Elmnut Filbert);
     for (@nuts) { $l -> insert('end',$_); }
     $l -> pack;
     sub sleepy {
         my $widget = shift;
         print "before 1st sleep \n";
         print "after 1st sleep before delete \n";
         $widget -> delete('active');
         $widget -> update;             # try [un]*commenting this
         print "after delete before 2nd sleep \n";
         print "after 2nd sleep \n";
 18.5. How do you fork on System V (HP)? 
 Kraegeloh Martin <> originally asked: 
 ! Subj: signal handling difference on HP vs. SUN
 ! the following code will fork an xterm with vi in it, and it
 ! will refuse to do so while the first xterm is still running.
 ! works fine on my sun.
 ! On HP however, the second time an xterm is started, NO handler
 ! is called when the child dies.
 ! the code:
 ! ===================== 8< ===============================
 ! $SIG{CHLD}=\&w;
 ! sub w{
 !    $pid=wait;
 !    print STDERR "died: $pid\n";
 !    if ( $have == $pid ) { $have = 0; }
 ! }
 To which a part of Nick Ing-Simmons' response was: 
  I suspect HPUX is SysV-ish not BSD or POSIX. So every time a signal
  fires, it removes the handler - you need to reset it in the handler: 
     sub w{
         print STDERR "died: $pid\n";
         if ( $have == $pid ) { $have = 0; }
  Whether you reset it before/after the wait may be very important ... 
 Then Bjarne Steinsbo <> followed up with: 
  That's not the whole story... Another problem is that SIGCLD interrupts
  the read system call on SysV-ish (I like that word! :-) systems. This
  means that you have to test why "" fails, and act accodingly. A program
  that works on both Sun and HP is: 
        $_ = ;
        $! = 0, next if $! =~ /Interrupted/;
        last if $! or !defined $_;
             print STDERR "child still alive\n";
             if(($pid=fork()) != 0){
                print STDERR "forked $pid\n";
             else {
                exec("xterm -e vi") 
     sub w{
        print STDERR "died: $pid\n";
        if ( $have == $pid ) { $have = 0; }
 19. How do I "clear the screen"? 
 What screen are you trying to clear? 
 If you are trying to clear a tty (e.g. xterm) screen then try either of the
 following within your script: 
     system "clear";
     print `clear`;
 (where the choice between these two depends on the rest of the script: the first
 is fast - but proceeds via fork and may not occur at exactly the time that you
 want it to in the script). 
 David and Rachel Weintraub <> recommend using the
 old p4 library. You might also consider the perl 5 equivalents: (especially the Term::Control module),,, PV. 
 Returning to X-windows and perl/Tk: if you are trying to eliminate a 
 TopLevel or a MainWindow then try: 
     $main -> destroy;
 If you would rather not destroy then try: 
     $main->withdraw;    # remove
     $main->deiconify;   # put back
 If $w is a sub-window (sub-widget) then 
     $w->pack('forget'); # remove if packed (newer Tk-b9.01++) 
     $w->packForget;     # remove if packed (older versions)
     $w->pack(...);      # put back
 There are also ways to call low level C-ish versions: 
 but that is for special purposes only.... 
 If you are trying to erase an $item on a Canvas then try: 
 (Thanks to the post by <> which extended this
 answer considerably.) 
 20. Is there a way to have an X application draw inside a perl/Tk window? 
 (This question was posed by Andrew Allen March 19 1997): 
 No not yet. But according to Nick Ing-Simmons: 
 If app. can take XID of window to draw on it should be doable now,
 but if Tk has to pro-actively watch for creation of app's 'top level',
 and "capture" it is more tricky.
 21. Is there a version for Microsoft Windows(tm)? 
 Yes. Tk402.000 is in alpha release at this time (Spring 1997) and builds with
 perl 5.004, nmake, and Visual C++ on at least Windows NT. 
 22. Are there any international font packages for perl/Tk? 
 In principle you may specify the -font configuration option on all your 
 Button, Entry, Label, Message, etc. widgets. In addition to the Unix
 programs xfontsel and xlsfonts you may find xset useful for determining and/or
 specifying fonts - especially international ones. 
 KOBAYASI Hiroaki <> has converted the Tcl/Tk
 "japanization" by <> so that it may be used with perl/Tk. It
 is presently available (the current README file is in Japanese) from the
 following ftp site:
 >From the author's own description: 
 Currently, the "japanization patch for perl/Tk" enables:
   [1] To show kanji & ASCII (by choosen kanji-font) in every widget.
   [2] To edit kanji (double width of ASCII) correctly in Text & Entry.
   [3] To support of Kanji Input method. (tkKinput.c)
   [4] Automatic kanji-code-detection & conversion with 'insert/get'.
       Supports: "JIS(Japanese Industrial Standard)", "MS-KANJI", "EUC".
 & the patch lacks:
   [5] by manual Kanji-code conversion. (JIS <=> MS-KANJI <=> EUC)
   [6] 'Good' interface to specify kanji-code used in internal. (tkWStr.c)
   [7] Documentation in English about [1-6].
       # but, since interface-change is suspected in near future, 
       # documenting them is ...
 I thought that[5-7] was not enough for world-people, but already worth
 for natives. So I announced it on "fj.lang.perl".
 23. Are there any other ways to create event based interfaces from perl? 
 Yes. A short list would have to mention these for X: 
 For perl 4: 
 For perl 5:
    Sx (uses Athena & Xlib), Motif (uses Motif & Xt), Fresco (post
    X11R6.1). This perl extension was originally written by Dominic
    Giampaolo, but was re-written for Sx by Frederic Chauveau. The code
    is available from CPAN in the authors/Frederic_Chauveau/
    There is an X11::* hierarchy of perl->X modules under development
    and available from CPAN.
    For hooking into the C++ Qt library there is Ashley Winters' PerlQt. 
 The Perl 5 Module List has a listing of User Interfaces (Character and
 There is also Malcolm Beattie's Tkperl (which is largely incompatible with
 Further information on X interfaces to Perl is provided in the perl FAQ. 
 For primarily graphics (with some user interface programming) there is also
 an OpenGL Perl Module of particular interest to anyone with either OpenGL
 or the MesaGL library. This package allows for compact perl VRML scripting.
 If you would like to see the OpenGL network X demonstration go to:
 (to run that demo one needs only a forms capable web browser and a local
 X-server, hence running Lynx on Windows 95 with eXodus is perfectly OK.)
 If you would like to see the OpenGL netscape plugin go to:
 For perl generation of images see the question in this FAQ on graphics
 The X window system is not the only means of doing event based user
 interface programming in perl. There is, for example, William Setzer's Curses
 modules for perl 5 too. 
 For Active X scripting on Windows try the PerlScript package from
 which will work with Internet Explorer, Internet Information Server, as well
 as the wscript command line interface. 
 24. Where can I get more information on graphics (modules|scripts)? 
 To generate server side push animation in perl please see the perl cgi FAQ. To
 generate GIF89a loops from a collection of stills visit the Gifloop page at
 For other animation from perl see the OpenGL module listed below (it does
 3D VRML animation). 
 There are several graphics modules in perl already available - with several
 more still under development. Among them:
    The perl module is a perl interface to the C code of a similar
    name and was written by Lincoln Stein. It allows for the generation of
    GIF (Graphics Inline Format) images from within a perl script. The
    module itself is available from any CPAN ftp site, and Lincoln
    maintains an informational web page at:
    The gd/ module is similar to (generates GIFs using
    gd.c) and was written by Roberto Cecchini who maintains a web page
    for his module at:
    The module was written by Nick Ing-Simmons expressly
    for use with the Tk family of modules. It is distributed on CPAN in the 
    authors/id/NI-S/ directories as a Tk-JPEG-*.tar.gz file. 
 Open/Mesa-GL Perl Module
    This module can use the OpenGL lib on computers that have it
    (available for SGI, AIX, Linux), or with the MesaGL package (which
    allegedly runs a little slower but does not require the X accelerator
    hardware that OpenGL does). This package supports relatively easy
    graphics programming, 3D shading, etc. Very cool stuff! The URL for
    the OpenGL perl module is:
    If you will be interfacing to the PGPLOT FORTRAN language
    routines you might consider Karl Glazebrook's PGPERL which has an
    interactive web demo as well a a web home page at:
 A pgperl/tk script might look like this: 
     use PGPLOT;
     use Tk;
     open(IMG,"test.img");       # Read 128x128 image from binary file 
     read(IMG, $img, 4*128*128); # data - list of 4 byte float [C type]
     close(IMG);                 # stored as perl string.
     pggray($img,128,128,1,128,1,128,1,0,*tr); # pg-Plot it
     my $main = new MainWindow;
     $main ->Label(-text => 'Main')->pack;
     $main -> Photo('IMG', -file => "test.gif");
     my $l = $main->Label('-image' => 'IMG')->pack;
     $main->Button(-text => 'close',
                   -command => sub{destroy $main}
                   )->pack(-side => 'left');
     $main->Button(-text => 'exit',
                   -command => [sub{exit}]
                   )->pack(-side => 'right');
     MainLoop;                    # pg-tk plot it
    perlDL or PDL is the Perl Data Language for fast manipulation of
    large arrays - such as those that often occur in image
    processing/analysis/creation (or scientific data sets). PDL is also by 
    Karl Glazebrook. This is a very hot module full of programmer
    convenience features such as overloaded operators etc. There is a
    mailing list and a home page for this module:
 Another tip: it is quite useful to have the PBMPlus/NetPBM set of graphics
 file interconversion programs if you will be dealing with many graphics file
 formats. There is a Sunsite web server with many graphics utilities including
 netpbm at:
 (Note there are linux binaries as well as source code kits there - also at sunsite
 mirrors.) You might also be interested in some of the graphics file format
 Other programming tools/utilities are of help with graphics. The X11 release
 contains many such tools. There is also The GIMP. Consider also the 
 ImageMagick program. 
 25. Are there any major applications written in perl/Tk? 
 Yes. In fact, there are some interesting perl/Tk applications already available
 Your very own perl/Tk distibution:
 The following programs may be found in your own Tk#/ directory (you
 already have these if you have the Tk extension to perl)*: 
 program        description
 pfm            perl file manager - cute iconic front to emacs
 ptknews        a GUI perl newsreader - a work in progress.
 tkpsh          perl/Tk equivalent of the Tcl/Tk wish shell.
 toyedit        a Text widget editor.
 The following programs may be found either in your demos directory (consult
 the README file there for fuller descriptions) or in your perl/bin install
 program        description
 browse         Simple file browser front end for emacs.
 color_editor   Front end to Tk::ColorEditor
                allows RGB, CMY, and HSV color cube manipulation
                (based on tcolor.tcl).
 ixset          GUI front end to xset - for terminal settings.
 pgs            Perl front end to Ghostscript (viewing PostScript(c) files).
 rmt            perl/Tk 
                "development shell/remote control application"
                You can launch or talk to other perl/Tk apps with rmt.
 rolodex        Like the Tcl/Tk app of the same name.
                Requires editing for personal use.
 timer          Stopwatch-like seconds timer.
 tkpod          The perl gui pod viewer (like xman).
 tkweb          The perl "Rough and Ready" web browser.
 *Peter Prymmer recently posted a means by which one can integrate any or all
 of these GUI applications into one's own X-window environment. Here for
 terse illustration is the basic idea behind using an X11R6.1 .mwmrc.m4
 resource file for making a Menu (make sure the applications are in your
 PATH or specify a full path to each one as needed): 
 Menu Perl
     "Perl"          f.title
     "editor"        f.exec "toy_edit &"
     "tkemacs"       f.exec "browse &"
     "manual"        f.exec "tkpod perl.pod &"
     "the web"       f.exec "tkweb &"
     "news"          f.exec "ptknews &"
     "pgs"           f.exec "pgs &"
     "stop watch"    f.exec "timer &"
 # We bind it so that left mouse button when pressed while 
 # over the root or background pops up with this Perl menu:
 Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
     <Btn1Down>      root  Commands
     # etc.
 Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
     <Btn1Down>      root  Commands
     # etc.
 Other perl/Tk application distributors:
    an xbiff like mailbox watcher. Available from 
    Was announced by Gregg Helt <> recently.
    See the home page at:
    Source at: 
    KOBAYASI Hiroaki's EVA is a sophisticated wish like perl/Tk
    "shell". It is available from:*.tar.gz 
    Stephen Lidie's very useful arbitrary function Plot Program, was
    featured in the premier issue of The Perl Journal and is available on
    the web at: 
    Yet another Lidie creation. This one hails from Issue 2 of The Perl
 neko (et al.)
    In the third issue of The Perl Journal Stephen Lidie makes creative
    use of approaches to event timing from perl/Tk. neko is one axample. 
    Is an integrated front end to the fvwm window manager that makes use
    of Perl/Tk. See the web page at for more
    The original 8 line wonder by Jon Orwant. Pick it up (and modify it)
    (Please note: www is for amusement, the more serious perl/Tk browser
    - tkweb - is distributed with perl/Tk and it is "only" 60 lines long!.) 
 ptkclock & ptkmines
    From the generous software archive of Jason Smith at RPI. 
    This application was written by Nem Schlecht. 
 Be sure to also check the newsgroups, 
 comp.lang.perl.announce, comp.lang.perl.misc, and comp.lang.perl.modules, as
 well as the mailing list archive for more Perl/Tk program and package
 26. What is the history of pTk and perl/Tk? 
 This list is only slowly coming together. Please forgive any absences. 
  o tkperl5a5 is announced Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:44:23 +0000 (BST) 
 This project is unrelated to the one which is adding usersubs to
 perl4 to get access to Tk via Tcl. Often, postings on comp.lang.perl
 just say "tkperl" without saying which one is meant. They are two
 totally different kettles of fish.
 --Malcolm (Beattie)
  o Fri, 25 Nov 94 14:29:53 GMT Nick Ing-Simmons is working on what
    will be known as "nTk" eventually. 
  o Mon, 12 Dec 94 08:56:36 GMT, Nick Ing-Simmons reports: 
 I have a re-port of ext/Tk nearly ready for alpha.
 It builds its own "pTk" library from sources semi-automatically derived
 from Tk3.6.  There is no Tcl library at all. 
 Would anyone like to assist me in testing it?
  o nTk-a2 announced Fri, 16 Dec 1994 10:59:36 -0500 
  o nTk-a3 announced Mon, 19 Dec 1994 18:03:27 -0500 
  o nTk-a5 announced Fri, 23 Dec 1994 10:18:16 -0500 (last to use Tk 3.6
  o nTk-a6 first to use Tk 4.0 (?) 
  o nTk-a7 announced Fri, 13 Jan 1995 10:55:27 -0500 
  o nTk-a8 has appeared before Tue, 17 Jan 95 09:04:33 GMT 
  o nTk-a9 has appeared before Wed, 18 Jan 95 19:25:10 GMT 
  o nTk-a10 announced Tue, 24 Jan 1995 14:32:02 -0500 
  o nTk-a11 announced Tue, 31 Jan 95 19:05:32 GMT 
  o Malcolm Beattie suggests the nTk -> Tk name change, Larry Wall 
  o nTk-a12 announced Thu, 16 Feb 1995 09:12:26 -0500 
  o Nick Ing-Simmons calls for a new mail list Thu, 16 Feb 95 14:13:55
  o Tk-a13 announced Wed, 1 Mar 1995 11:38:15 -0500 (Name has
    changed from "nTk") 
  o Tk-b1 announced Tue, 14 Mar 95 16:58:40 GMT 
  o Tk-b2 announced Wed, 29 Mar 95 15:52:44 BST 
  o Tk-b3 announced Fri, 31 Mar 95 16:54:54 BST 
  o Tk-b4 announced Fri, 12 May 1995 11:45:32 -0400 EST 
  o Tk-b5 announced Mon, 26 Jun 95 17:14:06 BST 
  o Tk-b6 announced Fri, 21 Jul 95 15:42:35 BST 
  o Tk-b7 announced Fri, 28 Jul 95 15:16:02 BST 
  o Tk-b8 announced Wed, 16 Aug 95 12:34:05 BST 
  o an RFD (Request For Discussion) for a new usenet group is circulated by Jon Orwant Fri, 4 Aug 1995 08:29:46
  o unmoderated newsgroup passes by a vote of 352 to 18
    with 1 abstention in an announcement made Mon, 9 Oct 1995 10:13:17
    -0400 (EDT). The new group makes its appearance at news-servers
    roughly 18 October 1995. 
  o Tk-b9.01 announced Wed, 20 Dec 95 10:06:47 GMT. 
  o Tk-b10 announced Sat, 23 Mar 96 17:16:27 GMT. 
  o Tk-b11 announced Mon, 1 Apr 96 16:44:48 GMT. 
  o Tk-b11.01 announced Wed, 3 Apr 96 17:48:09 GMT. 
  o Tk-b11.02 announced 10 Apr 96 12:52:28 GMT. 
  o Tk-b12 announced 28 August 1996. 
  o Tk400.200 announced 6 September 1996. 
  o Tk400.201 announced Fall 1996. 
  o Tk400.202 announced Late Fall 1996. 
  o Tk402.000 (alpha release for Windows) announced May 1997. 
 27. What can we expect the future to hold? 
 With the production release of Tk400.202 and the alpha release of Tk402.000
 the future of this code looks quite bright. (Hopefully the FAQ maintainer will
 manage to keep up :-). 
 28. How do I obtain the latest version of this FAQ? 
 On the world wide web
 Hypertext (split by question):
 Hypertext (whole thing - may be too large for some browsers, but is amenable
 to searching):
 As far as I know any other source may be slightly out of date with respect to
 those two web URLs. Nevertheless, there are many other places to retrieve
 this FAQ from, in a variety of formats, such as: 
 Plaintext (whole):
 Plaintext (multi-part):
 or gzipped PostScript(c) (about 60 US 8.5"x11" pages):
 or gzipped PostScript(c) (about 60 A4 pages):
 29. Acknowledgements & maintainer. 
 The Perl/Tk extension to the Perl programming language is copyrighted by its
 author Nick Ing-Simmons <> whose Tk400.202/COPYING
 file reads as follows: 
 Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
 This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, with the exception
 of the files in the pTk sub-directory which have separate terms
 derived from those of the orignal Tk4.0 sources and/or Tix.
 See pTk/license.terms for details of this Tk license, 
 and pTk/Tix.license for the Tix license.
 Especial thanks to:
 Nick Ing-Simmons for writing perl/Tk.
 Dan Riley <> for outstanding networking and
 countless other tough jobs.
 Malcolm Beattie for tkperl.
 An anonymous poster for writing the initial "pseudo-FAQ"
 that got this started.
 Larry Wall for writing extensible Perl 5 & John Ousterhout for writing Tk 4.
 Tom Christiansen and Stephen P. Potter for writing and maintaining excellent
 perl documentation, and general doc help.
 Jon Orwant <> for organizing the
 Usenet newsgroup.
 Alan Stange & Tom Schlagel for the hypermail archive, the ftp & e-mail
 distribution of the FAQ, etc.
 Achim Bohnet for an excellent searchable hypermail archive.
 Ilya Zakharevich <> for great perl/Tk pod docs.
 KOBAYASI Hiroaki <> for great perl/Tk scripts.
 William J. Middleton <> for archive help.
 Ioi Kim Lam for Tix.
 Larry Virden for cross-posting the Tcl FAQ, as well as editorial comments on
 this one.
 Don Libes <> for lucid informative conversations on Tcl
 & Expect.
 Terry Carroll <> for valuable usage advice.
 Nancy Walsh for great bibliographic help.
 In addition, this FAQ has benefitted from the contributions of many people
 all over the net to whom I am quite grateful.
 I am:
 Peter Prymmer
 Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory
 Cornell University
 Ithaca, NY 14853
 Hypertext (split by question) FAQ:
 Hypertext whole (very big) FAQ:
 Plaintext FAQ:
 Plaintext multi-part FAQ:[0..5].txt
 Reference manual: