To: All Affiliations and Races From: Foreign Secretary Charles Xavier; WCE Izac
Neutin Re: Colonial Charters

Recently I have received a number of transmissions from parties inquiring as to
the status of certain companies and governments with respect to their ability
to operate within the sovereign borders of the Whitehole Colonial Empire.  This
communique is meant to clarify and define exactly who IS chartered and the
precise procedure for obtaining a charter for those who have not already done
so. By way of background, the Whitehole Colonial Empire came into being on week
26, Year 190 as the governing body in space previously dominated by the
Whitehole Colony Enterprises Corp.  The Empire claims the following sustems as
its sovereign space:  Porkette-55;porkus-58;Ponge-60;PW-59;Lemke-61;Linck-62;
Winsboro67-75.  Limond-94 is not claimed as sovereign space but is a
protectorate of the Empire.  All operations in the sovereign space specified
above is subject to the provisions of this communique. Currently the ONLY
companies chartered to operate within our borders are the FET,GTT,SMS, & AFT. 
These groups are fully recognized by the WCE.  They are entitled to full
protection under WCE Law by the armed services of the Empire. Attacks upon
these companies by another group which hasn't posted them, and had that posting
recognised by the WCE, will be dealt with severly. Before I get into the
procedure for obtaining a Colonial Charter, let me outline the effects of
having, or not having, the same.

     1) All Chartered groups shall have the right to operate ships, colonies,
and ground parties within the borders of the Empire.
     2) All Chartered groups shall be entitled to protection from unwarranted
attacks by chartered and non-chartered groups.  The WCE reserves the method of
protective response to the sole discretion of the WCE leadership.
     3) Non chartered groups operating within the Empire have NO rights or
standing in the eyes of the Empire.  Should they choose to operate without a
charter, they do do completely at their own risk.  They have no ability to seek
redress of grievences for events occurring within the Empire.
     4) Chartered & Non Chartered groups may not seek to enforce postings for
events occurring or orgininating from outside the Empire without the expressed
written approval of the WCE Foreign Secretary and/or the WCE General Secretary.
Note that chartered groups need not post non chartered groups within the Empire
as non chartered groups have no standing (ie: do not exist).  However, this
rule does not override any internal posting mechanisms which may exist in a
groups' profile.
     5) All chartered groups, by accepting their charter, agree to abide by all
present or future laws, policies, restrictions, edicts, or like declarations
legally issued by the WCE.
     6) Certain Governments may be granted the rights which would normally be
associated with a charter by Official Treaty or informal governmental
reciprocity.  Groups currently so covered are the Stellar Empire and the
Detinus Republic.  The Samillion Hegemony is expressly forbidden except under
the strict terms of the armistice made 26/190.
     7) the WCe may retract any charter at any time should it feel the
necessity to do so.

     Procedure for obtaining a charter:  You must contact, in writing, either
the Foreign Secretary or the Home Secretary (see addresses below), either of
whom are authorized to issue a charter.  Please note that any group requesting
a charter MUST disclose ALL of its colonial assets existing within the Empire.
The cost will be an initial payment of *50,000 and *8 per factory for any
existing colonies.  Thereafter, *10,000 shall be due an payable on each
anniversary of the charter.  Taxes shall be paid at the rate of *8 per factory
per quarter (wks 13, 26, 39, and, 52).  All taxes are payable to WCE Home
Secretary (1373).

     By virtue of this notice, all groups are hereby placed on notice of their
charter status.  Effective week 7/192, the Whitehole Colonial Empire shall
begin active enforcement of its charter policies.

CC: All Company and Governmental Co-Ordinators (via ABM)
    The CPT

WCE Foreign Secretary Charles Xavier aka Thad Catone
    740 Florida Ave
    Pittsburgh, PA 15228

WCE Home Secretary aka Paul J Sinatra
    1321 Coral Reef Ave NW
    Palm Bay, FL 32907-8052


Retroactive to week 26/190, the House of Lords of the WCE hereby enacts the
following laws related to the governing of the realm.

      Let it be known that the Lords and Ladies of the Whitehole Colonial
Empire hereby come and make this Covenant of Law in the intrest of the
furtherance of peace and prosperity for all those free peoples choosing to
reside within our Empire, and under these laws.

     I. All who legally reside in the Empire shall have the right of.....
           a) Protection.  Unprovoked attack by those illegally residing or
transitting the Empire shall be punished.
           b) Secure Property.  Proven theft shall not be tolerated.
           c) Freedom.  Sentient races shall not be enslaved by force of arms.
           d) Redress of Grievences.  Petitions shall be heard by the House of
Lords for those who have grievences against the Empire or its citizens.
           e) Vengeance.  The Empire, at its sole discretion, may allow those
who have been wronged to exact vengeance on the offending party.
           f) Sustenance.  Governors are responsible for providing food to
their colonists and shall do so upon penalty of death.
           g) Isolation.  Governors may claim a world as his or her sole
property after a period of 26 weeks as the sole colony on said world.  This
does not allow the Governor/Race to prevent colonization by the Empire.
           h) Privacy.  An agent placed in a colony by anyone other than the
Empire is an offensive act.  The same holds true for the scouting of ground
defenses and RTS.  Offended parties may seek redress or vengeance, or both.

    II.  Legal residents shall bwe defined as..........
           a) Groups possessing a WCE Colonial Charter.
           b) Indigenous races within the Empire.

   III. In observance of the rights granted in section I, all those who reside
in the Empire shall...........
          a) Not commit acts of piracy.  Piracy to be defined as the
appropriation, by combat or otherwise, of a starship, colony, ground party, or
outpost without first posting said position and acquiring the consent of the
          b) Timely pay taxes as they are set by the Home Secretary.
          c) Not enter the Lemke system (61) excepting the space squares 1845,
1846,1746,1745,1744,1844,1944,1945, and 1946.
          d) Not fail to disclose the establishment of a new colony anywhere in
the Empire.
          e) Not use, or attempt to use, research, exploit, or possess the
lifeform known as the protosphere.
          f) Not tamper with the device known as the Power Collector.
          g) Not force sentient races into slavery, nor transport slaves, nor
possess slaves of any kind.
          h) Not aid, abet, assist, or trade with any publically stated enemies
of the Empire.
          i) Not fail to report to the Secretary For War the sighting of any
position posted by the Empire.
          j) Not possess, research, or produce chemical, biological, or
bacteriological weapons.
          k) Not cause agents to be placed in colonies belonging to the Empire,
nor scout the ground defenses of colonies belonging to the Empire.
          l) Not ignore any edict or restriction issued by the Empire.
          m) Abide by any official Treaty made by the Empire with any group
within or without of the Empire as such Treaties shall carry full weight of
Colonial Law.
          n) Never, for any reason, within or without of the Empire, attack a
ship, colony or ground party of the Empire.
          o) Not cause, by negligence or other reason, citizens under your
charge to go without food or water. send 1 hi steve, I'm typing a long
message...give me a few minutes.
          p) Not possess, use or produce any drugs without the consent of the
Home Secretary.

   IV.  The House of Lords of the WCE reserves the right to amend, change, or
modify, or append any of the tenets of this Covenant of Law.

        The House of Lords of the WCE hereby makes itself beholden to the
upholding of this covenant of Law until such time as the Whitehole Colonial
Empire ceases to exist.
        On behalf of all the Lords and Ladies of the WCE I hereby affirm this
transscript to be a true and correct representation of our Covenant of Law. In
witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 1st day of January of
the year 192.

       For The Empire

          Lord Charles Xavier
          Foreign Secretary & Vice General Secretary
          Whithole Colonial Empire

     Since I'm a lousy typist, and the messages concerning Laws & Charters of
the WCE, are long I am offering a copy to all who would like one.  ABM is
suppossed to put them in with the turnsheets but may not do so, if not send me
an SASE and I'll forward a copy to you.
