749x500 (~63Kb) A typical xerophyte cushion plant, Nanophyton grubovii Pratov (= N. erinaceum auct. fl. sib. non Pallas nec Bunge) (Chenoposiaceae), together with dens- cespitulose grasses (Psathyrostachys juncea (Fischer) Nevski, Stipa glareosa P. Smirnov, S. orientalis Trin., etc.) dominates in desertified steppes of Ubsu-Nur (Uvs-Nur) Hollow in South Tuva. Being digged out of the ground, it resembles bansai. -- A desertified steppe between the Shivilig-Khem and Tes-Khem Rivers, Erzin District, Tuva republic, 5th July 1990, Photo © Oleg Kosterin