SL_ONE.TXT As posted to the Csound Mailing List on 11 February 1996: Laszlo Vecsey wrote: > Anyone care to share some of their quality works? I've heard xanadu and > the other samples that are available over the net, but I'd like to hear > what has been done in terms of making real music :> I have put my binaural placement 8 minute contemplative Csound thing "Spare Luxury One" on my WWW site ( as: SL_ONE.ORC and SL_ONE.SCO (Also SL_ONE_A.ORC and SL_ONE_A.SCO using my zak ugens - see below.) They are also at Erik Dahl's beef site: SL_ONE will run on standard Csound - it does not use my new ugens. Four major seventh chords each go through their own flanger and are in slow orbits in a "space" with no echoes, reverb etc. A binarual model of the head goes through the space. It is all very slow, so put on the headphones, lie back and forget about FFTs and compositional linguistics. It takes around 50 minutes to cook on a Pentium 90, but can run on standard Csound on any machine as far as I know. For 44.1 kHz 16 bit stereo output you will need 81 Megabytes of disk space. It will sound less pleasant at 22.05 kHz due to the high harmonic content of the waveforms aliasing even more than they do at 44.1 kHz. The binaural placement instrument contains comments, and a more detailed explanation is at the end of the score file. SL_ONE uses global variables for communicating at a-rate and k-rate between instruments. SL_ONE_A uses zak ugens instead. This is more elegant, but it must be run on a Csound which includes my UGRW1.C ugens - such as the MSDOS executable on my WWW site. If you want to experiment with this binarual stuff and your Csound has my UGRW1.C zak ugens, then start with SL_ONE_A.SCO/ORC. I have refined this piece, and done a second one. They use my zak ugens and now I am using my own, more elaborate ugen for binaural placement rather than the long section of orcestra code. So the new things cannot be run on anything but my own latest compilation of Csound. The binaural ugen is not finished enough to be released - I don't know when it will be. Whether or not this strikes the listener as "real music" or not is a personal matter. - Robin